The Effect of Reflective Thinking Based Practices on Retention Scores: A Mixed-Meta Method
reflective thinking, reflective thinking practices, retention, mixed-meta methodAbstract
The study investigates the effect of reflective thinking practices on retention scores using a mixed meta-method approach, which involves analyzing quantitative and qualitative data obtained through document reviews with meta-analysis and meta-thematic analysis. For the meta-analysis, nine studies that met the inclusion criteria in specific databases were identified. Using CMA and MetaWin programs, the meta-analysis revealed a significant effect size of g=1.550 across all nine studies, indicating that reflective thinking practices positively influence retention scores. The meta-thematic analysis, which included content analysis of 13, revealed the following four themes: contribution of reflective thinking practices to the learning process, benefits for students, obstacles associated with these practices, and suggested solutions to overcome them. The findings from both the meta-analysis and the meta-thematic analysis consistently support the conclusion that reflective thinking practices have a positive effect on retention.
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