A group loaded with stories. Artistic practices and experiences of schooling in contexts of urban poverty and environmental degradation




school; urban poverty; artistic practices; educational investigation


In this article we propose a theoretical-methodological reflection on a research work that takes the form of an artistic (co)production workshop in a public secondary school located in a context of urban poverty in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires (MRBA). We recovered field material produced during 2022 to explore the possibilities of this methodology. Working with artistic practices allows the unfolding of a narrative, a saying, at the same time that it is proposed as a training experience for students, connecting with the task that the school carries out on a daily basis.


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Infografía con presentación del tema, metodología y aportes del artículo



How to Cite

Etcheto, F. (2023). A group loaded with stories. Artistic practices and experiences of schooling in contexts of urban poverty and environmental degradation. Praxis Educativa, 27(3), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.19137/praxiseducativa-2023-270307