The Practices Area at the University: news about a case

  • María Graciela Di Franco Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
  • Norma Di Franco Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
  • Silvia Siderac Universidad Nacional de La Pampa


Practice Area, context, teaching actions, professionalism


The new syllabuses at Facultad de Cien­cias Humanas UNLPam (2009) prescribe a Practice Area for the teachers’ training. This is a new space added to the histori­cal ones: General Training; Disciplinary Training and Teacher Training. The prac­tices understood in this way are point­ed towards systematic learning of capac­ities to act as teachers at school in the classrooms. This proposal supposes an important change regarding the way of understanding training and curriculum that gives place to a political project and a new kind of teaching that is generated with this particular way of training. In this paper we concentrate on the mean­ing and sense of a training that considers the formative value of practice in coop­erative work among teachers of discipli­nary and pedagogic areas that start to see the school as reference context in teaching action, the organization ways that are be­ing activated and the action research that analyzes and studies thoroughly these po­litical and curricular innovations.


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Author Biographies

María Graciela Di Franco, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

Magíster en Evaluación; Directora de ICEII. Editora Científica de la Revista Praxis educativa. Coordinadora del Cam­po de la Práctica 

Norma Di Franco, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

Profesora de Matemática (UNLPam). Profesora Adjunta de Matemática y su Didáctica y Docente auxiliar en Curriculum (UNLPam). Miembro del ICEII.

Silvia Siderac, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

Magíster en Evaluación (UNLPam). Especialista en Investigación Educativa. Docente Auxiliar en Curriculum Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la UNLPam. In­vestigadora del ICEII –FCH-UNLPam



How to Cite

Di Franco, M. G., Di Franco, N., & Siderac, S. (2014). The Practices Area at the University: news about a case. Praxis Educativa, 17(2), 72–78. Retrieved from