Critical pedagogy in dark times

  • Henry Giroux McMaster University, Chester New Hall


pedagogía crítica, democra¬cia, responsabilidad, esperanza educada, critical pedagogy, democracy, responsibility, educated hope


The social benefits and rights granted by the welfare state are being dismantled by the forces of neoliberalism. That is why educators need to develop forms of critical pedagogy that can challenge them. A critical pedagogy as a project of insurgent democracy that can analyze the relations between knowledge, authority and power, committed to the responsibility of teachers as public intellectuals, in favor of an educated hope that offers critical knowledge linked to a democratic social change.


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Author Biography

Henry Giroux, McMaster University, Chester New Hall

Global Television Network Chair. Eng­lish and Cultural Studies, McMaster University, Chester New Hall,



How to Cite

Giroux, H. (2014). Critical pedagogy in dark times. Praxis Educativa, 17(2), 27–38. Retrieved from