Education policies based on subjectivity control in school population

  • Javier Calvo De Mora


Procesos organizativos, organization structures, learning results, local places at school, organization processes


How does the control process of school population occur? In this paper two complementary answers are presented: to change organization structures and to widen the organization processes. Regarding school structures, responsible people from the government take three kinds of decisions: to define standars of structural procedures at schools; to cre­ate good routines of school work and to build collective subjetivity in students. On the other hand, the strategy of orga­nization processes and the education po­lices tend to promote inclusive cultures in each school center. Both political strategies of school behav­iour control, try to identify each person and teacher with the institution. The con­sequence is exclusion of those who do not adapt to the requirements of school practices.



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Author Biography

Javier Calvo De Mora

Profesor y Doctor del Depart. Didáctica y Organización Escolar Facultad de Educación Universidad de Granada



How to Cite

Calvo De Mora, J. (2012). Education policies based on subjectivity control in school population. Praxis Educativa, 15(15), 80–103. Retrieved from