Using educational portfolios at university and educating in values

  • María Graciela Adamoli
  • Araceli Fernández


educational portfolios, ethical and moral dimensions, educating in values, educational, social and moral change


We agree with Gloria Ladson-Billings (1999) that the moral and ethical dimensions of teaching constitute “the missing entry” in educational portfolios. Nevertheless, years of experience in the implementation of such an instument of alternative assessment – continuous, formative and process-centred- in the subject English Language II at the Univrsity  of  La  Pampa s English  Teacher  Training  College  caused  our  inquiries  to  be focused  on  the  above dimensions.  From  an  outlook  on  teaching  and  evaluation  as humanistic, epistemological and ethical, in which our teaching and assessment practices are subjected to permanent scrutiny following the paradigm of participatory Action-Research, educating in values constitutes a component without which our work would lack sense and perspective. But, improved classes and assessment instruments are not enough for the betterment of students as integral educational subjects. The present work shows how, working with portfolios in a propitious context, students become assessors, redistributing and democratizing the exercising of a such a role, and develop attitudes of responsibility, reflection,  self-criticism,  cooperation, commitment,  solidarity,  tolerance  and  acceptance and integration of differences. We hold this genuinely means educating in values and contribute to the training of human resources professionally and ethically prepared to foster educational, social and moral change.


Author Biographies

María Graciela Adamoli

Profesora de Nivel Medio y Superior en Inglés. Especialista en Evaluación . Profesora Titular en Literatura Inglesa del Siglo XIX, Literatura Norteamericana del Siglo XIX,  Literatura Norteamericana del Siglo XX,de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, UNLPam.

Araceli Fernández

Profesora de Nivel Medio y Superior en Inglés. Posgrado Especialista en Evaluación. Profesora Titular de Fonética y Fonología Inglesa I, Lengua Inglesa II. Inglés 2º nivel (carrera de Periodismo). Miembro del Servicio de Traducción de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la UNLPam. Depto. de Lenguas Extranjeras Facultad de Ciencias Humanas Universidad Nacional de La Pampa.



How to Cite

Adamoli, M. G., & Fernández, A. (2012). Using educational portfolios at university and educating in values. Praxis Educativa, 7(7), 66–72. Retrieved from