A Manifesto for Education Ten Years On: On the Gesture and the Substance

  • Gert Biesta Stirling Institute of Education, Universidad de Stirling, Reino Unido




manifest, education, freedom, fight


After ten years of publication of the "Manifesto for education" we can affirm that it did not seek to be a model for the future of education nor was it conceived to be, but nevertheless tried to express something "about" education and something "for" The education. In that sense, the "Manifesto" tried to express real and incessant concerns, for which "it is worth fighting," whenever we consider that "fighting" is perhaps too strong a notion in a world characterized by tension and conflict. In the lines that are expressed below, we share some reflections about said manifesto, being aware that its traces and concerns are latent in those who consider education as a space of complete freedom.




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Author Biography

Gert Biesta, Stirling Institute of Education, Universidad de Stirling, Reino Unido

Stirling Institute of Education, Universidad de Stirling, Reino Unido. Profesor de Educación y Director de Investigación en la School of Education [Escuela de Educación.], Universidad de Stirling, donde también codirige el Laboratory of Educational Theory [Laboratorio de Teoría Educativa] (http://www.theorylab.co.uk). Es Profesor Visitante en la School of Education Culture and Communication [Escuela
de Educación, Cultura y Comunicación], Universidad de Mälardalen, Suecia,
editor en jefe de Studies in Philosophy and Education [Estudios en Filosofía
y Educación] y coeditor de Other Education: TheJournal of Educational
Alternative [Otra Educación: La Revista de la Alternativa Educativa]. Publica
sobre la teoría y filosofía de la educación y está particularmente interesado
en las conexiones entre educación y democracia.


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How to Cite

Biesta, G. (2018). A Manifesto for Education Ten Years On: On the Gesture and the Substance. Praxis Educativa, 22(2), 37–42. https://doi.org/10.19137/praxiseducativa-2018-220204


