Technical schools and internships in companies. general features on their enactment and their effects in the students’ work expectations

  • Yanina Débora Maturo Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Instituto de Humanidades IDH - (CONICET / UNC)



internships, technical schools, companies, professionalizing practices, job


Internships play a substantial place in the curriculum of the technical schools as a  training strategy for students and as a possibility to approach the world of work.  This article addresses the general features of the enactment of the internship in  companies for the professional training of students of a technical school in the city  of Cordoba (Argentina). From a case study, based on obtaining primary data  (interviews to the management team, students, and employers) and the analysis of secondary data (ministerial and institutional documents); it was possible to identify that in the  enactment of the internship, the school trajectory and the academic performance of  the students act as selection mechanisms for the completion of the internships in  certain companies. Consequently, the form of access in the internship system  generates differentiated and inequitable practices in the training of students. The  company they attend is a factor that influences their training and their expectations  regarding the possibility of a quick entry to the world of work.


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Author Biography

Yanina Débora Maturo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Instituto de Humanidades IDH - (CONICET / UNC)

Profesora y Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Diplomada y Especialista en Ciencias Sociales por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Doctoranda en Ciencias de la Educación (UNC) Becaria Doctoral Interna del CONICET. Profesora Asistente de dedicación Semi-exclusiva, Facultad de Comunicación (UNC). Participa del Grupo de Investigación “Estudios sobre políticas educativas” del CIFFyH-UNC. Su área de interés son el estudio y análisis de las políticas educativas para la Educación Técnico Profesional de nivel medio en Argentina y la región. 


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How to Cite

Maturo, Y. D. (2018). Technical schools and internships in companies. general features on their enactment and their effects in the students’ work expectations. Praxis Educativa, 22(1), 40–50.


