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Archive of Published Issues: 2024

Front Matter

Front Matter associated with this Archival Unit includes:


Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/praxis
Title Praxis Educativa
Publisher Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
Description Revista de investigación interdisciplinaria en Educación
ISSN 2313-934X
Language(s) English (en_US)
Español (es_ES)
Português (pt_BR)
Publisher Email praxis@humanas.unlpam.edu.ar

Copyright Notice

Editorial Committee Educational Praxis Magazine:
I hereby declare that I am the author of the article titled (article name), that it is original and my own and that it was not previously published in any other format or medium. I declare to know that the magazine will not charge me any type of fee under any circumstances, nor will I receive any type of monetary compensation If it were accepted for publication in Educational Praxis, I authorize the aforementioned magazine to publish it digitally and to advertise it on its social networks.
If the work is published, I adhere to the Creative Commons license called &quot;Attribution - Non-Commercial Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA&quot;, through which it is allowed to copy, reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate the work and generate derivative works, as long as when the original author is cited and acknowledged. This license has been used since September 2018. In 2016 CC BY NC ND 4.0 was adhered to; and in the years 2017 and 2018 (January-August) CC BY NC 4.0.
This CC BY-NC-SA Share Alike license does not, however, permit commercial use of the work. As an author, the journal may establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal, it allows me to self-archive the published articles, in their post-print version, in institutional, thematic repositories, personal web pages or any other relevant use. with the recognition of having been first published in this journal.
Educational Praxis adheres to DORA (Declaration on Research Assessment)  signed in San Francisco, California, on December 16, 2012, and to the Declaration of Mexico (Joint Declaration LATINDEX - REDALYC - CLACSO - IBICT).

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