The chair: a form of organization of the university teaching function

  • Elda Margarita Monetti Departamento de Humanidades - Universidad Nacional del Sur



university chair, university education, college, university organization.


Institutions aimed to a social function fulfillment. To do this the institutions are specified in an organization, with its space, its time and through a distribution of responsibilities and tasks. In Argentine history and tradition, teaching as a function is usually assigned to the university chair. Chairs are generally named after the subject or knowledge field that is taught, which highlights the importance of this function. Although this article falls within the results of our research on the teaching styles of the university chair, this form of organization was already presented as a relevant notion in our previous studies located in the field
of university didactics. The objectives of this work are to analyze the senses and meanings attributed to the university chair, as well as to present the institutional and pedagogical – teaching aspects that constitute it.


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Author Biography

Elda Margarita Monetti, Departamento de Humanidades - Universidad Nacional del Sur

Profesora asociada de Didáctica General y asesora pedagógica Universidad Nacional del Sur

Dra. en el área de Ciencias de la Educación


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How to Cite

Monetti, E. M. (2020). The chair: a form of organization of the university teaching function. Praxis Educativa, 24(2), 1–11.


