Discourse about “indians” at school: a research case for intervention

  • Sofía Soria


school, politics, discourse, cultural difference, intervention


This paper presents some results of a re­search on discourses about “natives” in the context of a secondary school in Cór­doba, Argentina. This research was de­veloped during 2006-2007, and it was focused on the analysis of a pedagogical project that considered on the topic of “cultural diversity” and “indigenous peo­ple” in order to design educational strat­egies of intervention to improve and/or transform pedagogical practices. These results mainly discuss the relationship between school and cultural difference in the context of the significant politi­cal, economic and cultural changes that took place from the 90’s. 



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Author Biography

Sofía Soria

Becaria del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), con lugar de trabajo en el Centro de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (CEA, UNC), donde integra el Programa de investigación “Multiculturalismo, Migraciones y Desigualdad en América Latina”. Es candidata a doctora en Ciencia Política, Especialista en Comunicación, Medios y Prácticas Educativas y Licenciada en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Investiga problemas vinculados al Estado, políticas educativas, pueblos indígenas e interculturalidad.



How to Cite

Soria, S. (2012). Discourse about “indians” at school: a research case for intervention. Praxis Educativa, 13(13), 106–114. Retrieved from https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/praxis/article/view/452