Students’ self-assessment in Physical Education Teacher Training. A comparison with other published experiences

  • Sebastián Trueba


self-assessment, education, democratic values


This paper shows a self-assessment expe­rience from students in PETE (Physical Education Teacher Education) in Argen­tina and its relationship with similar ex­periences in U.S.A. and Spain. In the first place there is a description of the expe­rience which is later compared with dif­ferent authors’ conclusions and findings with which we worked in our context.


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Author Biography

Sebastián Trueba

Profesor de Educación Física (ISFD Nº84) – Licenciado en Educa­ción Física Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Docente en el Instituto Supe­rior de Formación Docente Nº 81 (Mi­ramar), y en el Colegio Santa María de las Colinas del Norte (Mar del Pla­ta). Director de la Revista “Ser Corpo­ral” (



How to Cite

Trueba, S. (2012). Students’ self-assessment in Physical Education Teacher Training. A comparison with other published experiences. Praxis Educativa, 15(15), 65–70. Retrieved from