Learning from organization: formative practices of children in a social organzation

  • Paula Nurit Shabel UBA-CONICET




childhood, learning, political organization, appropriation, ethnography


The social and political organization Teresa Israel carries out an educational project with children, called AulaVereda (AV), in Buenos Aires city, where they develop school support and recreational activities. Based on the idea of children as active and reflexive in their pedagogical processes, we propose to analyze the concepts that the children have marked as relevant in AV, and establish the ways in which they choose certain contents and ignore others from the variety that circulates in the place. In order to reach this aim, an ethnographic work was executed built on the participant observation and a hermeneutic approach that was applied together with the use of photographs, drawings, videos and interviews to capture what the children themselves signify in their own learning processes


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Author Biography

Paula Nurit Shabel, UBA-CONICET

Profesora, licenciada y doctoranda en Antropología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires; Diplomada en Educación e investigadora en CLACSO-RIOSAL; Becaria del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) en el Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas (UBA) desde el cual desarrolla su investigación sobre participación política de niños/as en organizaciones sociales y construcción del conocimiento social en niños/as. Miembro de los equipos “Investigaciones empíricas sobre el conocimiento de dominio social y sus implicaciones teórico-metodológicas” (UBA) y “Niñez, Alteridad y Ciudadanía” (CONICET- UBA).  



How to Cite

Shabel, P. N. (2016). Learning from organization: formative practices of children in a social organzation. Praxis Educativa, 20(1), 37–46. https://doi.org/10.19137/praxiseducativa-2016-200104


