The Construction of Plausible Futures in Dystopian Literature: A Theoretical Approach from Social and Cultural Semiotics



Literature, Dystopia, Semiotics, Possible worlds, Literary genres


Dystopian fiction is a discursive genre made up of cultural products (literary texts, movies, series) aimed at producing a particular type of effects of sense in the model reader: ideally, in consuming them, readers will be capable of conducting a critical evaluation of their socio-political circumstances. Thus, dystopian fiction – which is a fictional discourse – aims at being the source of socio-political change through the intervention in the discursive sphere of the non-fictional. This article approaches the genre of dystopian fiction in literature from a semiotic perspective. Specifically, it focuses on studying the type of imagination and construction of possible worlds that define it. The thesis it presents is that dystopian fiction is characterised by a construction of futures that are plausible, that is, that have an anchorage in reality as it is and are therefore viable,
unlike what happens in science fiction. 


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Author Biography

Sebastián Moreno Barreneche, Universidad ORT Uruguay

Profesor Adjunto en la Facultad de Administración y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad ORT Uruguay, donde tiene a su cargo el curso "Cultura y sociedad contemporánea" de la Licenciatura en Estudios Internacionales. Licenciado en Comunicación Social (Universidad Católica del Uruguay), en Filosofía y en Letras (Universidad de la República, Uruguay). Master of Arts en Estudios Globales (Universidad de Graz, Austria) y en Filosofía Política, Legal y Económica (Universidad de Berna, Suiza). Doctor (des.) en Ciencia Política (Universidad de Munich, Alemania). Director de Medios Digitales en DeSignis, revista de la Federación Latinoamericana de Semiótica.


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How to Cite

Moreno Barreneche, S. (2023). The Construction of Plausible Futures in Dystopian Literature: A Theoretical Approach from Social and Cultural Semiotics. Anclajes , 27(1), 59–77.