Nomadism, Foreigners, Possible Homelands: Roberto Bolaño's Narrative Between two Continents



Chilean narrative, Roberto Bolaño, 21st century, literary analysis


The posthumous work of Roberto Bolaño presents the intriguing theme of national identity and immigration. This work analyzes the difficult and ambivalent relationship that Chilean characters establish with their homeland then shows how the protagonists’ life circumstances lead to an eternal nomadism. It then considers the relationship the characters establish with Latin America, revealed to be the only possibility for belonging. The posthumous work of Roberto Bolaño presents the intriguing theme of national identity and immigration. This work analyzes the difficult and ambivalent relationship that Chilean characters establish with their homeland then shows how the protagonists’ life circumstances lead to an eternal nomadism. It then considers the relationship the characters establish with Latin America, revealed to be the only possibility for belonging. The article closes with a reflection on the importance of literature in the life of Bolaño’s characters.


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Author Biography

Chiara Bolognese, Università di Roma La Sapienza

Doctora europea en Literatura Hispanoamericana y Licenciada en Filología Hispánica por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2007), Licenciada en Lengua y Literatura Extranjera por la Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (2001). Profesora Asociada en la Università La Sapienza de Roma. Con anterioridad, trabajó en la Universidad de Girona, la  Universitàt Autònoma de Barcelona, la Université de Poitiers y la Università Cattolica di Milano. Entre 2008 y 2009 realizó una estancia posdoctoral en la Universidad de Santiago de Chile y la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile con una Beca Fulbright-Príncipe de Asturias y, un año antes, en el Centre de Recherches Latinoaméricaines dell’Université de Poitiers. En los últimos años, ha publicado libros, artículos y capítulos sobre la obra de Roberto Bolaño y la cuentística cubana contemporánea.  


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How to Cite

Bolognese, C. (2021). Nomadism, Foreigners, Possible Homelands: Roberto Bolaño’s Narrative Between two Continents. Anclajes , 25(2), 93–108.