Body, Oral Discourse and Writing in Augusto Roa Bastos’s Hijo de hombre

  • Andrea Ostrov Universidad de Buenos Aires / Conicet


Augusto Roa Bastos introduces some modifications in the second version of Hijo de Hombre, which exhibit the author’s worries to create a transcultural narrative project, determined by the linguistic duality that characterizes the Paraguayan national territory. In agreement, a series of textual operations and narrative procedures will contribute to embody the impression of oral discourse that guaraní instills into the Spanish writing.  


Keywords: writing; orality; body; narration; Roa Bastos


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How to Cite

Ostrov, A. (2011). Body, Oral Discourse and Writing in Augusto Roa Bastos’s Hijo de hombre. Anclajes , 15(1), 29–48. Retrieved from