Fighting the witches of the plurinational State. The occult dimension of the conflict between Potosi and Morales government (2015-2019)



Bolivia, witchcraft, rituals, Evo Morales, State


In 2015, while the town of Potosi was beginning its longest blockade in history to denounce lack of public investment, rumor spread that the government was sending witches to stem the discontent. Therefore, a group of healing women decided to organize a counter attack. In October 2019, during the controversial presidential elections, they got back into action. The purpose of this article is to analyze Bolivia’s former government  witchcraft allegations and the responses they brought forward as a political and moral discourse about the State in the context of Evo Morales's  declining popularity.


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Author Biography

Pascale Absi, IInstitut de Recherche pour le Développement, Université de Paris Diderot, Francia.

Antropologa, investigadora en el IRD


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