Las representaciones de la dominación femenina en Cuentos del Monte y de la Chacra (1988) de José Prado

  • Claudio Daniel Montecino Universidad Nacional de La Pampa.


The seven tales that shape “The Short story of the Wood and the Ranch” of José F Prado are linked from the backbones related with the representation of the feminine role and its place of subordination respected to the masculine role. On one hand, there is an evident imposition of housework in the familiar nucleus (manual labours preestablished socio-culturally). On the other hand, the submission starts from the marriage structure as an agreement of dominance from men. Finally, the patriarchal dominance is emphasized by the differentiation between the feminine and masculine roles in the discursive level.
In these literary texts, the oppression of a patriarchal system through the feminine body is noticed, exercising a social pression that determine the role of women in Prado’s narrative. However, it is possible to observe in some characters, some principles of rebellion and opposition to the masculine dominance. So, I propose to analyze that Jose Prado’s literature represents the heteronormative relationships from the subordinate place assigned to the woman.


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Laboratorio: artículos de investigación