Una revisión crítica de los aportes de Jesús Martín-Barbero al campo de la comunicación/educación durante los años setenta

  • Maximiliano Duquelsky UNLPam, UBA, UNA


This article, as part of a more extensive work, analyzes the first stage of Jesús Martín-Barbero's work, more precisely the seventies, in order to recover the most significant contributions of that period to the field of communication/education. Our corpus of analysis is made up of his doctoral thesis entitled La palabra y la acción, presented in 1972, and two later books, Comunicación masiva: discurso y poder, 1978, and Comunicación educativa y didáctica audiovisual. Elementos teóricos-metodológicos para la producción de ayudas audiovisuales didácticas, published the following year.

Our objectives are to characterize these reflections, explain and systematize them in order to identify the points of continuity and rupture between them, mainly with the intention of, on the one hand, establishing some lines of research that will allow us to relate the other stages of his intellectual production in this field and analyze the evolution of these first contributions; and, on the other hand, to evaluate to what extent these approaches and their subsequent developments and transformations can still be useful to investigate the phenomena related to communication/education in the present. A task of this type cannot avoid a critical look at its object.


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Laboratorio: artículos de investigación