Study of variability in seed and seedling attributes on populations of Piptochaetium napostaense Seed and seedling attributes variability study on Piptochaetium napostaense's populations



seed weight, germination, seedling vigor, spinal, intra-specific variability


The use of grass seeds is a strategy for grassland recovery in different regions. The objective of this study was to describe traits of seeds and seedlings of interest, and their respective variability in populations of Piptochaetium napostaense, a forage species from the Espinal grasslands. The seed weight, germination attributes and vigor of seedlings were studied in 7 populations of Piptochaetium napostaense collected in the Espinal region, delimited to the north by the locality of Victorica, and to the south by the locality of Perú, in the province of La Pampa. Differences were presented between populations for the variables seed weight and germination. Population 3 showed the highest values in weight (670 mg per 100 seeds), and P6 showed the highest percentage of germination (62 %). The vigor of seedlings was a variable that did not present differences between populations. The weight of seeds was positively correlated with the aerial height of seedlings. The improvement of this species by selection of characters would be feasible in attributes such as germination and weight, being a useful strategy in the rehabilitation of grasslands, with the purpose of increasing the frequency of forage species.


Author Biographies

Fernando Porta Siota, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. EEA Anguil, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

Magister en Ciencias Agrarias, desempeña actividades de evaluación en especies forrajeras y pastizales naturales.

Horacio Javier Petruzzi, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. EEA Anguil, ,Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

Doctor, desempeña actividades de evaluación en especies forrajeras y pastizales naturales.

Ernesto Francisco Atilio Morici, Actividad privada

Doctor, con énfasis en evaluación de pastizales naturales y Ecología Vegetal.


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Pastizal pampeano. Fotografía: E. F. A. Morici



How to Cite

Porta Siota, F., Petruzzi, H. J., & Morici, E. F. A. (2024). Study of variability in seed and seedling attributes on populations of Piptochaetium napostaense Seed and seedling attributes variability study on Piptochaetium napostaense’s populations. Semiárida, 35(1), 35–44.



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