Present distribution of Heterotheca latifolia Buck. in San Luis (Argentine Republic)

  • E. B. Rosa Cátedra de Botánica Sistemática. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Económico Sociales. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.


weed, adventitious, distribution, Heterotheca latifolia,


This research was carried out in order to document the occurrence of Heterotheca latifolia Buck. and map its distribution. It was performed by searching along national and provincial roads, being the collecting stations placed every 25 km, on both sides of them, and in both tilled and untilled fields. At present, this weed has covered nearly the whole Province, including natural grasslands and agriculture lands, not having be a detected on the central hilly region and the North Western one.


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ANDERSON, D. L., 1981, La distribución del "alcanfor" (Heterotheca latifolia Buck) en San Luis Informativo Rural (San Luis) N°15,INTA.

ARIZA ESPINAR, L. A., 1977, Nota sobre dos Compuestas adventicias en Argentina. Kurtziana 10: 73-76

CANTERO, J. J. Y C. A. BlANCO, 1986, Antecedentes botánicos y biotogía de Heterotheca latifolia Buckley (Compositae). Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INTA. Vol. XXL (2) 19-43. Bs. Aires.

ECHEVERRIA, J. C., 1981, Nueva maleza en la región. Informativo Rural N° 15 INTA San Luis.



How to Cite

Rosa, E. B. (2020). Present distribution of Heterotheca latifolia Buck. in San Luis (Argentine Republic). Semiárida, 8(1), 41–46. Retrieved from


