Milvago chimango corrective osteotomy of an angular deformation of tibia-tarsal bone

  • Santiago Andrés Audisio UNLPam
  • Pablo Vaquero UNLPam Facultad de Cs. Veterinarias
  • Perla Araceli Torres UNRN. UNLPam.
  • Edgardo Verna UNLPam. Facultad de Cs. Veterinarias


The authors report the result of the correction of an angular deformity of the tibiotarso bone of a Milvago chimango. An osteotomy was performed in the place of the deviation followed by a subsequent stabilization of the limb with an external skeletal fixator whose central bar was made of metacrilate. The surgical evaluation of the osteotomy determined the removal of the fixator 30 days after surgery. The osteotomy corrected the bone deviation and allowed the recovery of the seizing ability ofthe claw


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How to Cite

Audisio, S. A., Vaquero, P., Torres, P. A., & Verna, E. (2017). Milvago chimango corrective osteotomy of an angular deformation of tibia-tarsal bone. Ciencia Veterinaria, 12(1), 33–38. Retrieved from


