Children's environmental health: An approach from the Veterinary Public Health point of view in the Programmatic Area of the Brown Health Center. General Pico, La Pampa

  • Laura Jorgelina Cavagión UNLPam
  • Edmundo Juan Larrieu UNLPam. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias
  • Mariela Alejandra García Cachau UNLPam. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias
  • Virginia Dora Maisterrena UNLPam. Facultad de Cs. Veterinarias


Environmental health, Children


There are multiple risk factors connected to children's environmental health among which in children under five years old the main causes of death are diarrhea, air contamination, pathologies, non-intentional physical trauma, vectorial and acute respiratory diseases, chemical and physical risks. Pet presence is intrinsically related to some of them. The objective of this work was to describe the environmental situation and prevalent diseases in children from the Veterinary Public Health point of view in the programmatic area of the Brown Health Center. A descriptive study was done between June and September 2011. Questionnaires were handed out from the public initial level establishments in the area and professionals, that work in the Center above mentioned, were interviewed. We asked about social demographic variables and the presence of possible risk factors for children's environmental health. From the 83 answers received from the responsible people of their homes, we obtained the following results: 89.15% of the answers came from wom en. More than 50% of the adult population is in school or has an elementary school level; occupational level is precarious in 56.63% of the population; there is overcrowding in 26.5% of the houses; there is 59.04% of smokers; in 74.4% of the homes interviewed they live with different pets from which 40.91% pay visits to the Veterinary Doctor. Plague presence in the area gave the following results: rodents: 21.70%; mosquitoes: 44.57%; bats: 15.66%; others: 18.07%. Neighborhood observations, interviews to professionals and teachers widened the information obtained and verified the poor health environment to which children are exposed. Implementation of diverse strategies from an interdisciplinary point of view, with community participation, are required.


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Author Biographies

Edmundo Juan Larrieu, UNLPam. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

Prof. Asociado. Epidemiología y Salud Pública

Mariela Alejandra García Cachau, UNLPam. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

Prof. Adjunto Epidemiología y Salud Pública Veterinaria. Formación profesional en el área de salud Pública Veterinaria. Desarrolla trabajos en promoción de la salud a partir del trabajo intersectorial y comunitario. Específicamente en la prevención de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentosy zoonosis en general. Desarrolla tareas de planificación y puesta en práctica de talleres comunitarios destinadosa distintos actores sociales en las temáticas antes mencionadas.

Virginia Dora Maisterrena, UNLPam. Facultad de Cs. Veterinarias

Docente en Patología Médica.  Complementa con formación de posgrado en Ecología y Salud Comunitaria, trabajos en patologías ambientales, relacionadas a la salud en general, tanto ambiental, comunitaria, humana y veterinaria.



How to Cite

Cavagión, L. J., Larrieu, E. J., García Cachau, M. A., & Maisterrena, V. D. (2017). Children’s environmental health: An approach from the Veterinary Public Health point of view in the Programmatic Area of the Brown Health Center. General Pico, La Pampa. Ciencia Veterinaria, 15(1), 105–113. Retrieved from



Artículos de Investigación