Rock Journalism and Youth Supplements in National Newspapers

  • Francisco Soto National Scientific and Technical Research Council image/svg+xml



Youth, Journalism, Mass Culture


This work reconstructs the emergence of youth supplements in national newspapers in the 1980s. On the one hand, the article produces a map of the appearance of these supplements from 1982 to 1988 and, based on these findings, analyzes the cultural and political significance of youth in the context of the so-called “transition to democracy”. On the other hand, the article focuses on the most read of these supplements, Si, which appeared every Friday with Clarín. Focusing on that supplement, the article shows the construction of the editorial project (journalists, financing, aesthetic relationships with underground fanzines); the central importance that rock had as an element that was conceived of as inseparable from youth identities as well as a platform for attracting a broader readership (especially avid to get information on the weekend agenda); and the transformations in the youth market. Likewise, the article follows the other themes and problems that the supplement associated with youth, including vocational orientation, sexual education, and politics.


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Author Biography

Francisco Soto, National Scientific and Technical Research Council

(4 de octubre de 1984—10 de junio de 2020) Profesor de Historia en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. En 2016 comenzó a cursar el Doctorado en Historia de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín, con una beca del Conicet. Su proyecto de investigación se centraba en la historia de la cultura del rock en la Argentina de la década de 1980.


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Rosales, M. (2019). La voz de los jóvenes en un tiempo de transición [ponencia]. X Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores, Instituto Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Ulanovsky, C. (2005). Paren las rotativas: diarios, revistas y periodistas. Volumen 2. Emecé.



How to Cite

Soto, F. (2024). Rock Journalism and Youth Supplements in National Newspapers. Quinto Sol, 29(1).



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