The Mixture: Truth, Beauty, Proportion. Damascius, In Philebum


Damascius, Neoplatonism, Mixture, Being, Life, Intellect


Some notes taken down by students during Damascius’s lectures on Plato’s Philebus provide a Neoplatonic interpretation of the elusive concept of the Good. Damascius emphasizes the parallel between dia­lectic and differentiation, stemming from the segmentic distribution of the One. This division method leads to a triad that co-aggregates the duality of Limit and Infinite in the Mixture. Truth, beauty, and proportion coordinate the plurality and are directed toward the goal of the supreme Good. Desirability, adequacy, and perfection are the essential conditions that guide the soul toward this goal, which is revealed analogously in Being, Life, and Intellect.


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Author Biography

Graciela L. Ritacco Gayoso, Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires

Licen­ciada en Filosofía (Universidad de Buenos Aires); Master of Theology in Philosophy of Religion, Univer­sity of London. Investigadora del Centro de Estudios de Filosofía e Historia de las Religiones, CONI­CET/ Academia Nacional de Cien­cias de Bs. As. Ha dictado numero­sos cursos de grado y posgrado en UBA, UCA, Universidad del Salva­dor, Austral, UNGS, UNTREF. Es autora, entre otras muchas publica­ciones de “En búsqueda de la paz” en Proceedings of the International Congress on Christian Humanismin the Third Millennium:The Perspec­tive of Thomas Aquinas 1, 2004; “Nominación divina y silencio” en O.F. Bauchwitz-C. Cunha Bezerra (eds) Imagem e Silêncio. Atas do I simpósio ibero-americano de estu­dos neoplatônicos 1, 2009.



How to Cite

Ritacco Gayoso, G. L. (2024). The Mixture: Truth, Beauty, Proportion. Damascius, In Philebum. Circe De clásicos Y Modernos, 28(2). Retrieved from