Homer, Aristotle, and the Nature of Compassion


Homer, Aristotle, Plato, emotion, pity, grief, Judith Butler, Homer, Aristotle, Plato, emotion, pity, grief, Judith Butler


This paper explores aspects of what I shall call pity or compassion in Homer (especially Iliad 24) and Aristotle (especially the Rhetoric), but nothing very much hangs on the precise terminology. The phenomena covered by terms such as “compassion”, “sympathy”, “empathy”, and “pity” (and their analogues, where they exist, in other languages) constitute a family in which resemblances are often really rather close in practice (even if particular members of the group pass in and out of fashion and take on a range of different connotations at different periods and in different contexts). In concentrating on the theory and practice of literature, I am not offering a synthetic account of ancient Greek pity; instead I focus, in the main, on just two authors, Homer and Aristotle, and proceed primarily by means of a confrontation between the representation of pity in the final book of the Iliad and the theorization of that emotion in Aristotle’s Rhetoric and Poetics. I begin with Homer, but immediately bring the Homeric narrative into relation with Aristotle’s account of pity in the Rhetoric. This will lead to some thoughts on the nature of pity and compassion in Homer in general, before we return to the contrast between Homer and Aristotle (with emphasis on the Poetics), a contrast that is in some ways underscored by certain differences between Aristotle and Plato on the emotional effects of epic and tragic poetry. A particular focus will be Aristotle’s linkage of pity with the kind of thing that one would fear were it likely to happen to oneself, by contrast with the connection in Homer and Plato between pity for others and the experience of grief, both one’s own and that of others.


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Author Biography

Douglas Cairns, University of Edinburgh

Profesor Titular de la cátedra de Estudios Clásicos en la Universidad de Edimburgo desde 2004, habiendo enseñado previamente en las Universidades de St. Andrews, Otago, Leeds y Glasgow. Fue profesor visitante en Italia (Pisa), Japón (Kioto y Tokio), Taiwán (Fu Jen) y Estados Unidos (George R. Langford Family Eminent Scholar Chair, Universidad Estatal de Florida). Fue elegido miembro de la Academia Europea en 2013, Fellow de la Royal Society of Edinburgh en 2018 y de la British Academy el mismo año. Se desempeñó como editor del Journal of Hellenic Studies (2016–20) y actualmente es presidente de la Classical Association UK (2020-25). Entre sus publicaciones, se destacan Aidôs: The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature; Emotions between Greece and Rome; Body Language in the Greek and Roman Worlds; Emotions in the Classical World:Methods, Approaches, and Directions; Seneca’s Tragic Passions; A Cultural History of Emotions in Antiquity. Emotions through Time: From Antiquity to Byzantium.



How to Cite

Cairns, D. (2022). Homer, Aristotle, and the Nature of Compassion. Circe De clásicos Y Modernos, 26(2), 45–74. Retrieved from https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/circe/article/view/7118