Tertullian against Caesar: monotheism and monarchy

  • José Pablo Martín Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento - Conicet


Tertullian, Apologeticum, Christianity, messianism, politics


The author of this paper reads Apologeticum by Tertullian as a text of ideological transition between the early messianic Christian writings and political fourth century theology, i.e. a work that combines Imperial theology and Christianity. Leaving apart the theological disputes with Judaism, Tertullian proposes a frontal discussion with the Romans on the relationship of the concept of divinity with political power and wants to show that theology and Christian ethics are much more appropriate for a reality as Roman Empire which has imposed the polytheistic tradition. His argumentation stands out the reciprocation between monotheism and universal monarchy.


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How to Cite

Martín, J. P. (2018). Tertullian against Caesar: monotheism and monarchy. Circe De clásicos Y Modernos, 16(2), 89–106. Retrieved from https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/circe/article/view/2467