A tour of video game literature as a tool for learning foreign languages in university classrooms




video games, university, foreign languages, motivation, ICT


Video games are considered a source of information that can generate more dynamic learning. In addition, it is framed in the perspective of action promoted by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, which means that they become an innovative and updated tool for teaching. The aim of this work is to analyze the benefits that video games can provide as a tool for our university students in language subjects, specifically French as a foreign language (FLE). For this purpose, we will make a tour of the most useful video games in order to obtain the basic notions and thus facilitate their integration in the educational context. It is necessary to renew to be able to motivate and to make students of the higher levels reflect is necessary to be able to train competent people.


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Author Biography

Gema Guevara Rincón , University of Murcia

Doctora en Filología Francesa por la Universidad de Murcia en 2022. Profesora en el departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura Francesa en la Facultad de Educación de la misma entidad donde imparte clases de dramatización y francés para la educación infantil y primaria. Su actividad investigadora se centra en la gamificación, la dramatización y la fraseodidáctica en el aula de FLE (Francés Lengua Extranjera).

