The Criminal Juvenile Reform in the argentinian written press: a discourse analysis oriented towards the teaching of argumentation in secondary school

  • Camila Florencia Lozada Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina


secondary teaching, discourse, periodical press, linguistics, mother tongue teaching


In recent years, the topics of insecurity, juvenile delinquency and criminal responsibility of minors appeared in numerous times at the written press in Argentina through diverse genres such as the newspaper article, the report, the opinion article or the editorial.
In this paper, which takes part in a wider research carried out under the direction of Mg. Claudia Gaiotti in the framework of the Diplomatura en Ciencias del Lenguaje (I.S.P. “Dr. Joaquín V. González”), we propose a discursive approach of an opinion article about the Juvenile Justice Reform Project in Argentina, recently published in a national print media, from the francophone Discourse Analysis perspective. To accomplish this, we focus on the discursive analysis of the concessive argumentative connectives. We propose as a hypothesis that the concession introduced by argumentative connectives constitutes a discursive
marker through which it is possible to recognize the locutor identities and the alterity voices. In other words, in the analysed article, the argumentative connectives related to the concession could be interpreted as a polyphonic-dialogical marker. As a continuation of this discursive analysis, we elaborate a pedagogical material oriented towards the teaching of the argumentation as a way of discourse organization at the secondary school subject Language
and Literature. In this way, this article presents a dual objective: to characterize the discursive functioning of the concessive argumentative connectives and to elaborate a pedagogical projection of such issue dedicated to the secondary level.


analysed article, the argumentative connectives related to


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Author Biography

Camila Florencia Lozada, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Profesora y licenciada en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Realizó una investigación en las áreas de Análisis del discurso y Didáctica de la lengua para la obtención del postítulo en Ciencias del Lenguaje por el Instituto Superior del Profesorado “Dr. Joaquín V. González”. Desde 2019, participa en un equipo de extensión universitaria sobre multilingüismo e inclusión educativa en escuelas públicas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA). Se encuentra realizando una tesis de maestría en Pedagogías críticas y problemáticas socioeducativas (UBA) sobre diversidad lingüística en el nivel secundario. Actualmente se desempeña como profesora en los niveles secundario y terciario del sistema público de enseñanza.

