Legal Education in the Economics and Law School in the UNLPam: Between the reform of curriculum and the students requirements

  • Daniela Zaikoski


Educational institutions, Curriculum, Lawyers, Legal education


As part of the reforms of the curriculum of law career, that are taught in de Economics and Law School at the La Pampa National University, we approach to an analysis of the curriculum and the opinion that the students have about the career, as well as their requirements stakeholders. We stop briefly at the most relevant models of training lawyers, analyze the current curriculum and the proposed profile for future graduates, and we focus on the opinion of students and the characteristics socialization process that is carried out in the institution. This process of curriculum reform can be considered a tool of legal change. This concept is also encompassing others aspects beyond the strictly educational need, it also require to be aware of social and political contexts that emerge the other one and also involve the university.


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