Lead intoxication in two canines. Biochemical confirmation, specific treatment and review of most reported organic alterations in Veterinary Medicine

  • Juan Manuel Guevara Facultad de Bromatología, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
  • S Sixto Medica Clínica ejercicio privado
  • G Finucci Curi Medica Clínica ejercicio privado


Lead intoxication, toxicologic urgencies, Calcium disodium edetate, Heavy metals


Pet poisoning in veterinary medicine occurs relatively often, although it represents a small percentage of the wide variety of pathological entities the general
practitioner faces in daily practice (bacterial, parasitic, metabolic, traumatic, surgical). In turn, within toxic etiologies, those produced by heavy metals are rarely
reported today (in order of importance, poisonings produced by warfarinrodenticides, pesticides, human use medications, toxins, garbage, veterinary use
medications, toxic plants and foods are described). This report describes two cases of patients that suffered lead poisoning, presenting practically all the clinical signs historically reported by available literature. Despite being a scarcely frequent entity due to the heavy metal’s low availability, we consider that having knowledge aboutthe systems that are affected by such exposure, both chronically and acutely, is very important, irrespective of whether they are chronic or acute, since there arealterations that are lethal, and which when recognized in time, enable making a definite biochemistry diagnosis and establishing a specific healing treatment. But the potential sequels that such poisoning can leave, as well as its specific treatment must not be overlooked. To such end, the need to have veterinarian toxicological laboratories and suitable advising lines in place is emphasized.


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Author Biography

Juan Manuel Guevara, Facultad de Bromatología, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos

Práctica profesional: Cardiología, enfermedades respiratorias, ecografía general y Doppler.
Asesoramiento en cuidados críticos. Publicación en revistas nacionales e internacionales, posters, participación en posgrados en instituciones privadas. Disertación en congresos varios.


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Declaraciones de autores: Silvina Sixto fue la derivante que recibió el caso clínico y realizo los tratamientos y seguimientos pertinentes. Gasto n Finucci Curi fue
interconsultado por la derivante por la posibilidad de existir contacto con el toxico descripto. Adema s, participo en la búsqueda bibliográfica y redacción del escrito . Juan Manuel Guevara realizo los me todos complementarios ecográfico e interpretación radiográfica e indico parte de la terapéutica realizada y seguimiento médico, adema s participo en la búsqueda bibliográfica, redacción y diseño del reporte.
Conflicto de intereses: No hay conflicto de interés de parte de ninguno de los autores/as del reporte.
Agradecimientos: A nuestras respectivas familias



How to Cite

Guevara, J. M., Sixto, S., & Finucci Curi , G. (2024). Lead intoxication in two canines. Biochemical confirmation, specific treatment and review of most reported organic alterations in Veterinary Medicine. Ciencia Veterinaria, 26(1), 60–76. Retrieved from https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/veterinaria/article/view/8212



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