Prevention of toxoplasmosis during pregnacy: addressed by strategic planning in the Brown Health Centre of General Pico, La Pampa

  • Laura Jorgelina Cavagiòn UNLPam
  • Mariela Alejandra García Cachau UNLPam. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias
  • Virginia Dora Maisterrena UNLPam. FAcultad de Cs. Veterinarias
  • Verònica Fernandez


Toxoplasmosis, Prevention


Trough the strategic planning it was done a situational diagnosis and a problematic analysis of the health system to implement a interventional project in the Brown Health Centre of the city of general Pico, La Pampa. The objectives were to analyse the characteristic of interventional scenario recognising necessities, health problems and parts. It was selected as a health problem the lack of knowledge of the mechanisms of transmission and prevention of toxoplasmosis in puber and fertile women. To sizing the problem a questionnaire was done to the selected population. As consequence was evidenced an ignorance of the women surveyed in relation to the form of ransmission of toxoplasmosis, and 50% of the pregnant women did not have serum title against the disease turning them in a risk group. It was concluded that social cultural actions tending to spread the knowledge of causes and sources of the toxoplasmosis infection from an inter sectorial perspective and community participation was accurate.


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Author Biographies

Mariela Alejandra García Cachau, UNLPam. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

Prof. Adjunto Epidemiología y Salud Pública Veterinaria. Formación profesional en el área de salud Pública Veterinaria. Desarrolla trabajos en promoción de la salud a partir del trabajo intersectorial y comunitario. Específicamente en la prevención de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentosy zoonosis en general. Desarrolla tareas de planificación y puesta en práctica de talleres comunitarios destinadosa distintos actores sociales en las temáticas antes mencionadas.

Virginia Dora Maisterrena, UNLPam. FAcultad de Cs. Veterinarias

Docente en Patología Médica.  Complementa con formación de posgrado en Ecología y Salud Comunitaria, trabajos en patologías ambientales, relacionadas a la salud en general, tanto ambiental, comunitaria, humana y veterinaria.



How to Cite

Cavagiòn, L. J., García Cachau, M. A., Maisterrena, V. D., & Fernandez, V. (2017). Prevention of toxoplasmosis during pregnacy: addressed by strategic planning in the Brown Health Centre of General Pico, La Pampa. Ciencia Veterinaria, 13(1), 1–8. Retrieved from



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