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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


  1. Check the text before submitting in aspects such as spelling and grammar.
  2. Check the bibliography and quotations according to the Guide for Authors.

CIENCIA VETERINARIA (VETERINARY SCIENCE) considers the following categories:

1-Research articles: section that includes unpublished and original scientific research papers that contribute new knowledge to the disciplinary subject matter addressed following the guidelines of the Scientific Method.

2-Reviews articles: manuscripts that verify the existing state of knowledge, on general and certain aspects involving specific discipline subject.

3-Communications: section addressed to the communication of preliminary aspects of ongoing research work, description and results on new techniques, analysis of the forcefulness of the partial results of scientific research, etc.

4-Clinical, medical or surgical cases: generated in the academic or professional public or private areas, which cover a new presentation of the case in question or a new therapeutic approach, etc.

5-Miscellaneous: manuscripts on several irrelevant or mixed subjects.

Format and Extension

Manuscripts submitted for publication may be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese and typed in Microsoft Word 2003 or superior in format A4.

The following margins will be considered: top, 3 cm; lower, 2.5 cm; left, 2.5 cm and right, 2.5 cm. Font type: Time New Roman, size 12p, single spacing in justified text.

The suggested number of pages, for research articles or reviews, will be no more than 20 (twenty); and bibliographic references will be at least 30 (thirty). Clinical, medical, surgical and miscellaneous cases must present at least five bibliographic references. The Editors have the right to evaluate the length of the references if it were necessary.

Aspects that make up the papers presented in the 5 sections

-Tittle in the three languages.

-Name of the author/s.

-Institutional affiliation.

-ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)

-Correspondence email address.

-Abstract and Key words in the three languages.


-Material and methods.





The communications will have the same structure as research articles but shorter.

Structure of papers presented as Clinical, Medical or Surgical and Miscellaneous Cases:

Clinical, Medical or Surgical and Miscellaneous Cases will present what is described in the section "Aspects that make up the papers presented in the 5 sections", followed by:

-Abstract and key words in the three languages


-Development of the case or topic



Description of each of the aspects that make up the article:


It must be as concise as possible and reveal the content in the work. It will be written in capital letter/lower case typography (Spanish, English, and Portuguese) in Time New Roman, size 12, justified text.

2-Author or authors’ name

 They will be written after the title, separated by double-space format and left-justified of the author. Clearly indicate the family name and separated by a space the name initial or initials with a final point if it is a single author. In case of being more than one, the authors are separated by a comma and after the initials of the last author a final point will be set. It will be written in Time New Roman, size 10. e.g. An author: Mastroiani AR.

More than one author: Mastroiani AR, Lugo CA., Carreño JL, Perez MJ, Berg AM.

3-Author/authors data

The authors’ data will be sent in a separate sheet of paper, the institutional affiliation, postal and e-mail address and ORCID register to do a double-blind peer review. Finally, a short description of the academic-scientific activity will be sent to incorporate into the OJS in case the article is published, endorsed by the signature of each author.

4-Institutional affiliation

The Institution/ Organization/ Entity, each author belong to, will be included in row apart with a superscript in Arabic numeral, each author with the institution (complete name of the institution, address, city, province, country), written in the same font size (10p) and style of the manuscript. In case the work is done by authors from more than two different institutions, the postal address of each of the participating institutions must be added.

e.g. Mastroiani AR1, Lugo CA2

 1Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, calle 5 esquina

116, General Pico (6360) La Pampa. Mastroiani@vet.unlpam.edu.ar

  2Estación Experimental INTA, Anguil. Ruta Nacional 5 Km 580. L6326 Anguil, La Pampa.

5-ORCID: The 16-digit ORCID number must be provided.

6- Email address: The author’s email address must be provided.


In no more than 250 words, the abstract should briefly state the objectives, the development of the work, the procedures/methods/techniques used, the results obtained and the reached conclusions.  Abbreviations should be avoided, except for measurement units. 

If the work is written in Spanish, the abstract will be in the same language, including the same abstract in English (Abstract) and in Portuguese (Resumo). If the work is in English or Portuguese, in addition to the native language, an abstract in Spanish should be included.


Provide a maximum of 5 (five) words, that in addition to serving for indexing purposes they give sense to the work done. They will be immediately after the abstract in the corresponding language, in upper/lower case and separated by a comma. Avoid repeating words used in the title. They will also be published in the second language in which the abstract is also published.

Use specialized thesaurus that appear in the Caicyt-Conicet Semantic Database. (http://vocabularios.caicyt.gov.ar/portal/home.php)


State, in an updated manner, the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, mentioning the procedures to reach them and the contribution and impact the results may generate.

10-Materials and methods

Provide sufficient detail of the methods/ techniques/ procedures / models to use to fulfil the objectives. If the techniques are known or conventional, you should only quote them, if they are innovative they should be explained in details. Include the statistical methods used in the obtained data analysis. If the work required the use of animals, the authors must present and quote the approval of the Ethics Committee from the intervened institution or the contrastable approval from the Institutional Committee for the Care and Use of Experimental Animals (CICUAL). If the used data in the project come from patients of a particular institution, such as Veterinary School Hospitals, an authorization note from the institution should be attached for the use of such data as a research support.


The obtained data should be objective, clear and concise. For their visualization, tables, charts, graphs and images may be done, utilizing a size which allows their reading after being reduced in the process of editing. The supplied information in a support must not appear in another, such as a table or graph expressing the same result.


This should explore the significance, validity and forcefulness of the results of the work and they should be contrasted with the obtained results by other authors of the national and international scientific community about same or similar topics.


Applying the scientific rigor in the analysis of the obtained results (research articles), or in the exposition of different affirmations in relation to the same topic (revision), the conclusions should be clear, objective and concise, evaluating at the same time the impact they might have in the advance in the state of knowledge of the topic or the clarification of the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of the morbid process under study.


The consulted bibliography will be ordered in this section, according to the Vancouver standards created by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). If available, always include the DOIs as full DOI links in your reference list.

Aspects to take into account when quoting in the text and in the "Bibliography" section

14.1- Citation of authors in text

Cite references in the text by name and year in parentheses. Some examples:

- Negotiation research includes many disciplines (Thompson 1990).

- This result was later contradicted by Becker and Seligman (1996).

- This effect has been extensively studied (Abbott 1991; Barakat et al. 1995a,b; Kelso and Smith 1998; Medvec et al. 1999, 2000).

14.2-Citation of authors in the Bibliography section

In all cases, if they are books, papers, scientific events, etc, the authors are named as follows: the family name and separated by a space the name initial or initials (no more than two) with a final point if it is a single author. In case of being more than one, the authors are separated by a comma and after the initials of the last author a final point will be set. 

One author:   Mastroiani AR.

Two or more authors:  Mastroiani AR, Lugo CA, Carreño JL.

14.3- Numeric reference to the citation in text

The references will be consecutively enumerated along with the order of appearance, for the first time, in the text, using superscript Arabic numerals in parentheses. Abbreviation of conveniently accepted journals will be used, the ones that may be consulted in Pubmed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/. The work cited in the text must have a unique number assigned in order of citation. If a work is quoted more than once, it will keep the same number.

- e.g.: The CKD is more frequent in geriatric patients (up to 10% of elderly dogs and 35% of elderly cats may present CKD in different stages) but it may affect dogs and cats of any age (1). The objective of this article is to describe the different diagnostic tests to be performed in animals with CKD. To avoid mistakes in the diagnosis and management of these patients, it is important to use appropriate terminology (2).

When the author is mentioned in the text, the reference number is written after his name, as a superscript in parenthesis, if the author is not mentioned, the number will appear at the end of the phrase.

e.g. As Lagman (1) indicated, diabetes care …

e.g. Tumors may spread from the lung to any part of the body (2)

If the reference has more than one author, the first author will be quoted in the text with the addition of et al.

e.g. Simona et al (2) establish that the principle …

When there is more than one quotation, these must be separated by commas, but if they were correlative, the first and the last are mentioned separated by a hyphen.

e.g. MODEM scientific nomenclature rally began with Linnaeus in botany (1), but other disciplines (2, 5) were not many years venid in developing various systems (4-7) for nomenclature and symbolization.  

14.4- Citation of consulted bibliography according to origin:

The origin of the consulted works may come from scientific articles published in specialized journals, book chapters, books, scientific events, consulted material on the internet, etc., which will be presented as the following examples:

14.4.a) Books:

Author/s. Book tittle. Edition. Place of publication: Editorial; year.

One author: Bell J. Doing your research project. 5th. ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press; 2005

Up to 6 (six) authors: All the authors are added separated by commas.

González Toro MA, Solana M, González Rojas SI, Almaraz J, Sotuyo ME, Gonzalez JM.

More than 6 authors: Write the six first and add et al.

e.g. González Toro MA, Solana M, González Rojas SI, Almaraz J, Sotuyo ME, González JM, et al.

14.4.b) Book Chapter:

Chapter autor/s. Chapter title. In: Director/ Coordinator/ Book Editor. Book title. Edition. Place of publication: Editorial; year. Initial-final page of the chapter.

e.g. Franklin AW. Management of the problem. In: Smith SM, editor. The management of children. Lancaster: MTP; 2002. p 83-95.

14.4.c) Journal article:

Author/s. Article tittle. International abbreviation of the journal. Year; volume (number): initial-final page of the article.

e.g. Dawes J, Rowley J. Enhancing the customer experience: contributions from information technology. J Business Res. 2005; 36(5):350-7.

14.4.d) Congress and Conference Proceedings (they are mentioned as a book)

e.g. Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editores. Germ cell tumors. V Proceeding of the 5th Germ Cell Tumours Conference; 2001 sept 13-15 Leeds, UK, New York: Springer; 2002

14.4.e) Communications and Presentations

Communication/Presentation author/s. Title of the communication/presentation. In: Official Title of the Congress. Place of publication: Editorial; year. Initial-final page of the Communication/Presentation.

e.g. Anderson JC. Current status of chorion villus biopsy. Paper presented at: APSB 1986. Proceeding of the 4th Congress of the Australian Perinatal Society. Mathers and Babies; 1986 sep 8-10; Queensland, Australian. Berlin: Springer 1985 p. 182-191

14.4.f) WEB Sites

Author/s. Title (website) Place of publication: Editor; Date of publication [update date; access date]. Website.

e.g. Fisterra.com, Atención Primaria en la Red (sede Web). La Coruña: Fisterra.com; 1990. [actualizada el 3 de enero 2006; acceso 12 de enero de 2006]. Disponible en http:/www.fisterra.com

14.4.g) Journal Articles on line

Author. Title. Abbreviated magazine name [Internet] year [consulted]; volume (number): pages or extension indicator. Available in…https://www.issn.org/services/online-services/access-to-the-ltwa/

e.g. Abood S. Quality of imrovement initiative in nursing homes. Am J Nurs [Internet].2002 [Consultado 22 Nov 2012]; 102(6). Available in: http://www.nursingworld.org

14.4.h) DOI Article

e.g.Kuwabara T, Mori K, Mukoyama M, Kasahara M, Yokoi H, Saito H, Yoshioka T, Ogawa Y, Imamaki H, Kusakabe T, Ebihara K, Omata M, Satoh N, Sugawara A, Barasch J, Nakao K. Urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin Levels Reflect Damage to Glomeruli, Proximal Tubules, and Distal Nephrons. Kidney International. [internet] 2009 [consulted in February 2012]; 54-(5): 285-294. Available in:  https://doi.org/10.1038/ki.2008.499

15-Illustrations, Tables, Graphs

Three (3) color or black and white images and up to (4) tables or graphs will be accepted, included in the text, the size will be 9X13 cm, format*.jpg or *.tif and sequentially numbered according to the quotation order in the text. The editor may increase the number if it is necessary.

In the case of TABLES, their title should go at the top, while the explanations should go at the bottom, not in the title.

In the case of ILLUSTRATIONS and GRAPHS, the numeration and title should go at the bottom together with their explanations.

Not only the images, but also the graphs or tables must be original, in case they were from other source, the authorization for the use in publications must be stated and demonstrated.

16-Acknowledgments: if considered pertinent and opportune, the author(s) can acknowledge in this section.

17-Declarations: The following declarations will be incorporated at the end of the "Bibliography" section, under the title "Declarations":

  1. a) Financing:

Cite, if any, source of funding that has contributed to the work. Indicate the name of the funding agency, institution, organization or private personnel.

- Sample Statements: “This work was supported by […] (Grant Numbers […] and […]). Author AB has received research support from company A”. “The authors declare that they received no funds, grants, or other support during the preparation of this manuscript.”

  1. b) Conflict of interest

The author declares the existence or absence of conflicts of interest in writing in the work presented, while completing the conflict of interest declaration form that is available from the publisher.

Possible conflicts of interest refer to financing, patents, permits, commercial interests of laboratories, trademarks, etc., which, according to the author's criteria, deserve to be declared as having generated conflicts at least three years before publishing the work. If there are no conflicts, their non-existence will be declared.

  1. c) Author contributions

The author(s) must include a statement specifying each author's contribution to the research and preparation of the manuscript.

- Example statement:

“All authors contributed to the conception and design of the study. Material preparation, data collection and analysis were performed by [full name], [full name] and [full name]. The first draft of the manuscript was written by [full name] and all authors commented on earlier versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript."

See the "Principles of Authoring" section below for more information on how to complete this section.


Authors of research products involving animals must include a statement confirming that the study was approved by the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee (including ethics committee name and reference number if available). For research involving animals, their data, or biological material, authors must provide detailed information about the ethical treatment of their animals in their submission. If a study was granted a waiver or did not require ethical approval, this should also be detailed in the manuscript.

- Examples

“This study was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. The approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of University B (Date.../No....).”

“This is an observational study. The XYZ Research Ethics Committee has confirmed that ethical approval is not required."

  1. Accessibility

In order for all people to have access to the publication of the CIENCIA VETERINARIA journal (Veterinary Science Journal), it is requested that the images have descriptive legends, so that the audio emitted by written content reader software (designed for blind and visually impaired people) can reflect what is seen in an image and be representative.

  1. Test reading

The purpose of the test is to verify typographical or conversion errors and the completeness and accuracy of the text, tables and figures. Substantial changes to the content, such as new results, corrected values, title, and authorship, are not permitted without the approval of the Publisher. After publication online, additional


Artículos de Investigación

Comprende trabajos de investigación científica originales que aporten nuevos conocimientos a la temática disciplinar abordada siguiendo las pautas directrices del Método Científico.


Sección destinada a la comunicación de aspectos preliminares de trabajos de investigación en marcha, descripción y resultados de nuevas técnicas ensayadas, análisis de la contundencia de resultados parciales de investigaciones científicas, etc.


Escritos que tratan varios temas en forma inconexa o mezclada.

Casos clínicos, médicos o quirúrgicos

Generados en los ámbitos de hospitales de Facultades  de medicina veterinaria. 

Artículos de revisión

Escritos acerca de la verificación del estado actual de conocimiento, tanto de aspectos generales como puntuales, sobre una temática disciplinar específica.

Privacy Statement

Ciencia Veterinaria declara que los nombres y direcciones vertidas por los autores en sus contribuciones solamente serán utilizados a los fines declarados en la revista y no para otro propósito.