(Res. 074/23 Consejo Directivo. FCV.UNLPam)




VETERINARY SCIENCE, published every six months (January-June and July-December), is the journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the National University of La Pampa (FCV-UNLPam) that publishes original scientific and academic papers, referring to the area of knowledge of veterinary medical sciences, generated by authors from the Academic Unit itself and from other national and international institutions.

The journal establishes as its basic purpose the diffusion and socialization of new knowledge generated from scientific research in the different areas of concern of Veterinary Medicine, in the broadest aspects. It is aimed at researchers, university professors, veterinarians, doctors, biologists, biotherists, zootechnicians, graduates and food technicians and all those professionals related to animal health and production. It comprises five sections:

Research articles: this section includes original scientific research papers that contribute new knowledge to the disciplinary subject matter addressed following the guidelines of the Scientific Method.

Communications: section addressed to the communication of preliminary aspects of ongoing research work, description and results on new techniques, analysis of the forcefulness of the partial results of scientific research, etc.

Reviews articles: manuscripts that verify the existing state of knowledge, on general and certain aspects involving specific discipline subject.

Clinical, medical or surgical cases: generated in the academic or professional public or private areas, which cover a new presentation of the case in question or a new therapeutic approach, etc.

Miscellaneous: manuscripts on several irrelevant or mixed subjects.

The presentation structure of each section is detailed in Recommendations for authors.


Contributions sent through the OJS Platform (Open Journal System) are reviewed in the first instance, in order to verify compliance with the format established in "Recommendations for Authors". In case of no objections, it is sent to the Editorial Committee by email, explaining that it adequately complies with the required items and consigning the number of writings received so far. Likewise, the aforementioned committee is informed about the theme and origin of the authors, in order to evaluate the possibility that the work received may be published in the current edition of the journal or it is waiting to be included in the next editions.

Manuscripts in the Miscellaneous and Medical or Surgical Clinical Cases sections are evaluated by the Editorial Committee and the result is recorded in the "Editorial Committee Evaluation Sheet" generated for this purpose. Once the work has been evaluated, the committee will indicate its acceptance and, if so, in which number it will be published, at the same time that the author will be informed of such decision.

Contributions from the Research, Communication and Review Articles sections receive two types of evaluations: firstly, an internal evaluation by members of the Editorial Committee. The evaluator knows the identity of the authors and the result is recorded in an "Editorial Committee Evaluation Form", created for this purpose. Secondly, they receive an external evaluation by the Double Blind mechanism: the authors do not know the identity of the evaluator and the evaluators do not know the identity of the authors. For this instance, the Editorial Committee recommends two (2) external evaluators, considering as such experts in the thematic area related to the writing, who do not belong to the author's institution. In this way, the Academic Committee of the magazine is formed. This instance ensures greater objectivity in the evaluation process, leaving its result reflected in an external evaluation form, created for this purpose.

Once the first and second instances have been completed, the quality evaluation process of the writings to be included in the Veterinary Science journal ends.

The External Evaluation process generates writings with three categories of opinions: ACCEPTED; ACCEPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS and NOT ACCEPTED. The evaluation form must be signed by the corresponding evaluator. The writings with an ACCEPTED opinion, both from the Editorial Committee and from the external evaluators, are in a position to be included in Veterinary Science. The writings with an ACCEPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS opinion will be sent to the author so that they can correct the observations made by the evaluator. 15 calendar days will be granted for adaptation to those responsible for the work. After that period has passed without receiving a response from the author or justification for the delay, the article will be considered as withdrawn.

Once this procedure has been completed, the external evaluator will verify compliance with the observations/corrections, in the event that the latter expressly requests to re-evaluate the writing. Otherwise, the Editorial Committee will be in charge of controlling compliance with the modification requirements suggested by the external evaluators. Once the foregoing has been fulfilled, it will be ready to be published.

The writings with an opinion NOT ACCEPTED, will be returned to the authors with the due grounds, without the possibility of accessing their publication in the VETERINARY SCIENCE journal.

In case of discrepancy between the external evaluations of the articles during the evaluation process, such situation will be decided by the Director and Editorial Committee of the publication.

It should be noted that external peer reviews serve to the purposes of the general evaluation process of the Editorial Committee, which makes the final decision on all submitted texts. In case of discrepancy between the evaluations, at least one additional referee may be required. If there is at least one opinion rejecting the manuscript, the Editorial Committee may decide not to accept the text for publication.

Notifications to the author/s:

If the article passes the evaluation instances and fully complies with the regulations, the author/s will be notified of this circumstance, informing them, in turn, in which issue of the journal it will be published. The communication will be done through a certification. They will also be notified if the decision of the Editorial Committee is different. All this process will not exceed 8 weeks from receipt of the article.


The purpose of the proof is to verify typographical or conversion errors, and the completeness and accuracy of the text, tables, and figures. Substantial changes in the content, for example, new results, corrected values, title and authorship, are not allowed without the approval of the Editorial Board. After online publication, additional changes may only be made in the form of erratum, which will be hyperlinked to the article.


In order for all people to have access to the content, it is requested that the images have descriptive captions, and if there are any complements to the work presented in audiovisual format, they have to contain subtitled audio.

Persistent identifiers

The journal makes use of digital object identification (DOI) for its articles through the membership managed by the National University of La Pampa.


VETERINARY SCIENCE adheres to the principles of the international Open Access movement, Open Access in Budapest (BOAI, 2002), Berlin (2003) and Bethesda (2003). In this way, the publications of this magazine comply with the following conditions and guarantee the free, irrevocable and worldwide right to access the information, as well as to copy, use, distribute, transmit, display, print copies for personal use, make adaptations and derivatives, as well as their respective distribution, with the corresponding acknowledgments of authorship. It also allows access to a complete version of the document and its supplementary materials indicating permission for its use in standard electronic format and its deposit in an appropriate digital repository supported by an academic, governmental, society or organization institution that follows the standards of the open access, unrestricted distribution and interoperability mechanisms.


VETERINARY SCIENCE adheres to ethical standards that ensure the integrity in the publication of its articles, promoting ethical conduct in all steps of the editorial process and among the members responsible for the publication. These principles and policies are drawn from international standards such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)  The manuscript should not be submitted to more than one journal for simultaneous consideration. The submitted work must be original and must not have been published elsewhere in any form or language (in whole or in part), unless the new work refers to an expansion of the previous work. Exceptionally, simultaneous or secondary publication is justified, provided certain conditions are met. Examples include: translations or a manuscript intended for a different group of readers. Results must be clearly and honestly presented and without fabrication, falsification or inappropriate data manipulation.


In the event that errors arise in the editing and/or digitalization process, exceptions may be made through the inclusion of an "errata", recording the error(s) committed (page and correct text).



VETERINARY SCIENCE receives contributions without any discrimination from authors, no type of economic compensation is made for the publication of articles in all its processes. The author adheres to and accepts the conditions of the article at the time it is sent. The content presented is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the author.

Identification of the author(s)

Authors are encouraged to use their ORCID ID when submitting an article for consideration or acquiring an ORCID ID through the submission process.

Contributions of the author(s)

In this section within the article, the main author specifies the role fulfilled by each of the authors present in the work, for which they must use the taxonomy of author contributions established by CRedit (access to the site via the link CRediT – Contributor Roles Taxonomy ( They will be used in research, review and communication articles. These contributions must be listed on the page at the end of the article. Example: CRediT taxonomy:

  • Conceptualization: [full name],…; Methodology: [full name], …; Formal analysis and investigation: [full name], …; Writing - original draft preparation: [full name, …]; Writing - proofreading and editing: [full name], …; Fundraising: [full name], ...; Resources: [full name], …; Supervision: [full name],….


Plagiarism is the partial or total appropriation or imitation of the language, ideas or thoughts of another person to present them as one's own or original work. Conscious plagiarism is the non-compliance and lack of respect for ethical standards in scientific research and can lead to a serious claim and accusation because appropriate academic conduct is not being complied with, which may warrant academic, administrative and legal sanctions. Acknowledgments must be given for other works (material copied, abridged, paraphrased, use quotation marks to indicate verbatim phrases taken from other sources).

The National University of La Pampa is a member of Similarity Check, a Crossref service that aims to help journal editors determine the originality of the articles they publish. Similarity Check uses the iThenticate software to detect coincidences and similarities between the texts submitted for evaluation and those previously published in other sources.

In the event of detecting plagiarism in a submitted article, the author will be informed urgently, requesting that they make the corresponding discharge, leaving the Editorial Committee and the Journal's Management to consider the sanctions that such conduct deserves, beyond the absolute refusal for such work to be published. Such sanctions may consist of the publication of the fact of plagiarism committed, disqualifying the author for the publication in this Magazine of future works or others that the Editorial Committee and the Management of the magazine consider.


According to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) there is a conflict of interest (CI) when an author (or the entity to which he belongs), reviewer or editor have an economic relationship (employment, consultancy, ownership of shares, fees, paid expert testimony, etc.) or personal (personal relationships, academic competencies, intellectual or moral convictions) that inappropriately influence (bias) their actions. In order to guarantee credibility and transparency in the scientific process, both authors and reviewers and editors of declarations of possible CIs are required in the process of scientific publications. Each author must declare the possible CIs in the attached form.

The Editorial Committee and the Journal Management may request clarifications on this statement, if necessary, and in turn make editorial decisions, and in case of accepting the publication, may disclose the declared information if it is deemed important to judge the work and the Social credibility of the Journal.

Declaration of Possible Conflicts of Interest

Name of work

Author: THE AUTHOR            YES                                                     NO

Have you received any type of subsidy related to the topic developed, from the pharmaceutical industry or other industries related to animal health and welfare?

Do you have any employment, academic or personal relationship that could represent a CI regarding the topic developed?

Do you consider that any of your moral or intellectual convictions can represent a CI regarding the topic developed?

Have you published, or do you plan to publish, in other media, a work that could be considered duplicate or redundant with respect to the one you are submitting?

Are you the owner of the images, charts, tables, etc., that make up the work or do you have permission from the owner to publish them?


At the time of sending the contributions, the authors declare that they have the permission of the archive or repository where the documents attached to the work were obtained, permission that authorizes them to publish and reproduce them, exempting VETERINARY SCIENCE from all responsibility of possible claims of authorship of third parties/institutions.

In addition, the authors at the time of sending contributions adhere to the Creative Commons license called "Attribution - Non-Comerical CC BY-NC-SA" through which the author allows copying, reproducing, distributing, publicly communicating the work and generating derivative works, as long as the original author is cited and acknowledged. It is not allowed to use the work for commercial purposes. The authors assign the rights to publish their texts to the National University of La Pampa, but maintain their intellectual property, with the legend that it has been published in the first instance in this journal.


VETERINARY SCIENCE safeguards its files through the servers of the National University of La Pampa, as a backup of the Open Journal System (OJS) platform and the PKP Preservation Network. These operations are in charge of the Information Technologies Directorate of the National University of La Pampa and their objective is to protect the information against possible failures that may occur and, at the same time, facilitate the recovery of the service in the shortest possible time, minimizing data loss. The platform has procedures for daily backup of data, files and configurations.


VETERINARY SCIENCE has URL interoperability protocols for the OAI file.


The National University of La Pampa is a member of Similarity Check, a Crossref service that aims to help journal editors determine the originality of the articles they publish. Similarity Check uses the iThenticate software to detect coincidences and similarities between the texts submitted for evaluation and those previously published in other sources.


VETERINARY SCIENCE does not charge any fees for submission, processing or publication of collaborations (no Article Processing Charges-APCs) or for submitting them for evaluation (no submission charges).


The National University of La Pampa provides technical support, hosting of the magazine's contents and advice from specialized personnel through the Editorial Board of Academic and Scientific Journals (CERAC). The Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the UNLPam, through the Secretariat for Research and Graduate Studies, is in charge of financing the costs of designing the publication and generating PDF files. The generation of HTML and XML files is done by the staff of the Computer Library of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, UNLPam.

Volume Index: you have access to the complete volumes of Veterinary Science in the following link:





VETERINARY SCIENCE ISSN: 1515-1883, E-ISSN: 1853-8495 is the biannual publication of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences. It publishes original and unpublished works of a scientific and academic nature referring to the area of knowledge of veterinary medical sciences in its broadest aspects. DOI: 10.19137/cienvet


The journal complies with the quality criteria required of scientific publications, both formal and content, submitting to external evaluation, with the "double blind" method, to all the articles received.


Mission: to publish, from a scientific perspective, original articles, generated in our own research processes or those of other Universities, Institutes or scientific organizations, both national and international, arbitrated by a committee of renowned peers, on the area of veterinary sciences, in particular, and in health sciences, in general.


Vision: to be an international referent for publications related to veterinary medicine, with high quality standards and methodological rigor.


Addressed to: researchers, university professors, veterinarians, doctors, biologists, biotherists, zootechnicians, graduates and food technicians, students of related careers, and all those professionals related to animal health and production.



  • Publish articles of high scientific quality.
  • Socialize and internationalize new knowledge generated from scientific research in the different areas related to Veterinary Sciences, in its broadest aspects and in accordance with the "One World, One Health" paradigm.
  • Promote the scientific-technological exchange between researchers and professors from the different Faculties of Veterinary Sciences in the country and abroad, promoting academic discussion.
  • Increase the visibility and impact of the work of the authors who publish in the journal, in such a way that the location of the articles is efficient, contributing to the increase of readers and citations.


The journal consists of the following sections:

  • Investigation work.
  • Review articles
  • Communications
  • Clinical, medical or surgical cases
  • Miscellaneous


The management structure of the journal is made up of:

  • Managing Director
  • Deputy Director
  • General Secretary
  • Scientific Academic Committee
  • Editorial Committee
  • Areas/services/Sections: provide technical support to the activities of the Editorial Committee, Scientific Academic Committee and to teachers and researchers who wish to publish their work in the journal or in other journals.

o Statistics Area

o Translation Services into English and Portuguese

o Style correction

3.1: The Managing Director is appointed by the Board of Directors, at the proposal of the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences. Whoever performs the functions of Director and Deputy Director must be an FCV teacher, have a postgraduate degree and strong academic ties in the disciplines to which the journal is directed, in addition to having general knowledge about the editorial process of a publication. The functions of the Director will be:

  • Decide, together with the Editorial Committee, the editorial line.
  • Direct the activities of the Editorial Committee.
  • Officially and legally represent the publication.
  • Plan and supervise the promotion of the journal.
  • Manage the human and financial resources of the journal.

3.2: The Deputy director substitutes the Managing Director in his absence. He performs the tasks requested by the Managing Director. He will be the one who accompanies the Managing Director in the measures and actions that lead to the development of the publication. He is appointed by resolution of the Board of Directors, at the proposal of the Dean of the FCV. The requested profile accounts for a professional, teacher at FCV-UNLPam, preferably with experience in editorial processes.

3.3: Whoever is appointed by the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the National University of La Pampa as General Secretary, at the proposal of the Managing Director, will be the one who daily interacts with editors, reviewers, authors, to ensure the continuous flow of the editorial process. He may be a teacher or non-teacher at the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the UNLPam. He must have knowledge of the publishing world, both of the processes and of other national and international publications. His functions include:

  • Locate, manage and maintain the indexing bases and the appropriate distribution lists for the journal.
  • Verify full compliance with the steps of the editorial process of the articles leading to the quality and relevance of the publication.
  • Submit manuscripts to plagiarism control.
  • Prepare semi-annual reports on the status of the manuscripts.
  • Manage, jointly with the Library staff, the preparation of the HTML of the articles, as well as other activities related to the indexing of the journal.
  • Digitize the journal in the Portal of the University where it is hosted.

3.4 The functions of the Editorial Committee, made up of FCV UNLPam professors with postgraduate training, will be:

  • Evaluate the relevance of the manuscripts received for publication.
  • Contribute, with their efforts, to obtain articles to publish.
  • Carry out the primary correction of the article.
  • Decide on the publication or rejection of the received manuscripts.
  • Define situations of conflicts of interest.
  • Designate, based on the topic addressed in the manuscript, two (2) members of the Scientific Academic Committee for its evaluation, whose arbitration is carried out under the "double blind" modality in order to avoid conflicts of interest.
  • The members of the Editorial Committee are appointed by the Board of Directors of the FCV UNLPam, at the proposal of the Managing Director of the journal, together with the Research and Postgraduate Secretariat.

3.5: Area/Section Members


  • Collaborate with the periodicity of the publication through the contribution and links with other institutions in pursuit of obtaining contributions for the journal.
  • Those inherent to each area.

3.6: The Secretary, the Editorial Committee, the Managing Director, the Deputy Director will have joint functions as appropriate:

  • Update the publication rules of the journal.
  • Prepare and/or update the manuscript evaluation forms used by the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Academic Committee.
  • Verify that the manuscripts received comply with their corresponding certification/endorsement from an Internal Commission for the Use and Care of Experimental Animals, or similar, in the case of writings originating from research with animals and others, complying with the regulations established by the Ethics Committee to which it adheres (Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
  • Decide, in the first instance, which are the manuscripts that must follow the established process, taking as a reference the ethical and formal aspects of the journal's publication standards.

3.7: The members of the Scientific Academic Committee (CAC) are appointed by the Board of Directors at the proposal of the Managing Director. They must be professionals of recognized prestige, be or have been members of educational or governmental institutions, both national and international, external to UNLPam.

  • The CAC's main functions are:
  • Evaluate the manuscript received, according to the corresponding evaluation form, making their contributions to obtain the highest quality of it.
  • Promote the journal within their scope of personal development.
  • Collaborate with the Editorial Committee and the Managing Director in the development strategy of the publication.
  • Propose, according to needs and expectations, the publication of monographic issues on topics of special interest or relevance.

3.8: The mandate of the members of the management structure of the journal belonging to the FCV UNLPam (Staff) will be, in all cases, four (4) years, and may be indefinitely extended.


VETERINARY SCIENCE, is the first journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the National University of La Pampa, created in 1999. In its 20 years, it has evolved and positioned itself, gradually complying with the strict quality standards that are required internationally for these kinds of publications. From Volume 2016, the journal is published in electronic format and every six months. It also occurs his entry to CERAC, Portal of scientific academic journals of the National University of La Pampa.

"History of the journal" can be seen at video for the 20 years of VETERINARY SCIENCE.


  • Daniel LACOLLA, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences. National University of La Pampa.
  • Guillermo MEGLIA, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences. National University of La Pampa.
  • VD. María Carolina MIGUEL, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences. National University of La Pampa.
  • V. José María ROMERO, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences. National University of La Pampa.
  • Julián Alberto BARTOLOME (current), Faculty of Veterinary Sciences. National University of La Pampa.