Aerial and underground phytomass of a Pappophorum caespitosum grassland in the southeast of La Pampa – period 1985 - 1986

  • H. A. Macagno Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
  • M. J. Soncini Universidad Nacional de La Pampa




This work was realized at the Ea. Los Guadales (Depto. Caleu-Caleu, La Pampa) with the objetive of determine the available phytomass. vegetable cover, density of grasses, crown weight and roots weight at a depth of 0-20 and 20-40 cm in an area dominated by Pappophorum caespitosum and isolated shrubs. The vegetable cover was of 70 %, the litter of 27% and the bare soil of 3%. The monthly density of the grasses vas of 17 % pl/m2. The aerial phytomass had an average value of 374.8 gMS/m2, the litter of 623,2 gMS/m2 and the crowns of 152 gMS/m2. The average weights of the roots were of 1427,6 gMS/m2 in the first 20 cm of depth (68.1% of all the evaluated roots) and of 67,1 gMS/m2 in the next 20 cm.


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How to Cite

Macagno, H. A., & Soncini, M. J. (2020). Aerial and underground phytomass of a Pappophorum caespitosum grassland in the southeast of La Pampa – period 1985 - 1986. Semiárida, 4(2), 49–60. Retrieved from



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