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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Articles Section

The final version of the articles published in Población & Sociedad should be submitted in the format indicated by the journal. You may send it initially with this format, or else adjust font, title format and other particularities when accepted. The specific details can be found in this template. We recommend you download the template and paste the text of your article respecting the indications you find in it, except for the names of the authors and details that may reveal authorship. The template includes many details that are not expressed (for example, the different formatting of odd and even pages and headings), so we recommend its use. This recommendation DOES NOT INCLUDE the following adjustments that must be included in all submissions (format of references, notes, number of words and images, etc).

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

1) Población & Sociedad considers unpublished articles, written in English, Spanish or Portuguese which are the product of investigations and/or original reflections in the ample field of the Social Sciences. All articles, including those that are part of a dossier will be assessed by two external evaluators of undisclosed identity.  Only in cases of opposed evaluations will a third referee be contacted. The review is carried out on a double-blind basis.

 2) To be considered for publication it is indispensable that articles have neither been published nor sent for evaluation to other scientific journals. Articles based on information already intensively discussed in former publications will not be accepted.  The author must clearly state if the article is based on a former publication (for example a poster or a congress proceeding).  Furthermore, the editorial committee has to be informed if an article is based on an unpublished PhD thesis or if the content has been presented - albeit unpublished - at a previous congress. 

3) Articles should not exceed 12,000 (twelve thousand) words including notes, tables, figures and supplements. Abbreviations should be consistent and easily identifiable. If necessary, a list of all abbreviations with their corresponding meaning should be provided at the end.

 4) Articles should consist of a clear outline of research question(s), design, detailed research background, methods applied and results.

5) End-notes should be kept to a minimum. They will be listed at the end of the text with their corresponding correlative superscript number after the punctuation mark, if there is one.  Word processors’ “end-notes” tool is strongly recommended.

6) All references to unpublished primary sources should follow the same format and should be included in the end notes (archival documents, interviews, etc.).

7) Bibliographic references and published sources should be included in the text- in between   brackets –  following the American Psychological Association (APA sixth edition) style, including author’s/authors’ surname, year of publication and page numbers. For example: Berger y Luckmann, 2006, p.125; Bolsi, 2003, p.45.

 8) Bibliography and published sources should be numbered and alphabetically ordered at the end of the article following the American Psychological Association (APA sixth edition) style. For example:

- Books by one author: Duby, G. (1981). El caballero, la mujer y el cura. Madrid, España: Taurus Editorial.

- Books by two or more authors: Berger, P. y Luckmann, T. (2006). La construcción social de la realidad. Madrid, España: Amorrortu editores.

- Book Chapters: Ginzburg, C. (1983). Señales, raíces de un paradigma indiciario. In A. Gargani (Ed.), Crisis de la razón. Nuevos modelos en la relación entre saber y actividad humana (pp. 55-99). Barcelona, España: Siglo XXI editores.

- Articles in Scientific Journals without DOI: Gallero, C. (2013). Agroindustrias familiares en Misiones. Fábricas de ladrillo y almidón de mandioca de alemanes-brasileños (1919-2009). Población & Sociedad, 20(1), 41-76.

- Articles in Scientific Journals with DOI number: Ramírez, L. (2018). Movilidad residencial intrametropolitana en Buenos Aires (2005-2010). Población & Sociedad, 25(2), 111-143. doi: 10.19137/pys-2018-250205.

- Online Articles : Mota de Cabrera, C. (2006). El rol de la escritura dentro del currículo de la enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés como segunda lengua: Una perspectiva histórica. Acción Pedagógica, 15(1), 56-63. Retrieved from http://www.saber.ula.ve/accionpe/

- Articles in printed newspapers with author: De Benito, E. (5 June-2000). Soria es la primera región del mundo que planifica un desarrollo ecológico y sostenible. El País, p. 15-16.

- Artícles in printed newspapers without author: Soria es la primera región del mundo queplanifica un desarrollo ecológico y sostenible. (5 June-2000). El País, pp. 15-16.

- Articles in online newspapers with author: Bonet, E. (2 February-2011). Miles de personas oran en la plaza Tahrir de El Cairo. El Tiempo. Retrieved from http://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/africa/protestas-enegipto_8817580-4

- Conferences and Symposiums: Manrique, D y Aponte, L (June2011) Evolución en el estudio y conceptualización de la consciencia. In H. Castillo (Presidency), El Psicoanálisis en Latinoamérica. Symposium at XXXIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología, Medellín, Colombia

- Thesis (doctoral or master): Boldrini, P. (2011). Producción participativa del hábitat popular en el área metropolitana de Tucumán. (Doctoral Thesis). Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina.

9) Citations of two lines or less (forty words) should be placed within the text using quotation marks as indicators. Longer citations should be started on a new line, in a free-standing block of text indented from the left margin. No quotations marks are needed in this case.

10) All articles must be accompanied by an abstract (up to 600 characters including spaces), and key words (6 maximum) both in Spanish and English or Spanish and Portuguese, depending on the language used in the article The title should be brief (no more than 125 characters including spaces) and must also be written in both languages.

11) Graphical content: photos, figures (illustrations, maps, drafts, drawings etc.), graphs, tables and diagrams should complement and clarify the text. 10 graphical elements in all can be included and must be attached separately as supplementary files. The text will indicate their position with a number (e.g. Chart 2) followed by the title. Source and author will be provided in the following line. Figures must have a minimum 300 dpi definition.

12)  Población & Sociedad only accepts digital submissions to the Journal website. If you already have a User Name and Password you can log in through  https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/pys/index. Otherwise, you should register through the following link:  https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/pys/login. Submissions must include a supplementary file containing: title of paper and author/authors data (name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address and ORCID identification code, if pertinent). Once registered, you will be able to track your article evaluation process online.

13) In cases of multiple authors, the lead author has to be clearly specified, otherwise, the first named author will be taken as lead author.

14) The author/s of accepted articles has/have to send a note declaring that the journal holds all rights of publication.

Short Contributions Section

1) Población & Sociedad publishes short contributions in English, Spanish or Portuguese which do not necessarily have to comply with the requirements set for articles, that is, to be based on primary sources.

2) Short contributions should not exceed 4000 (four thousand) words including notes, figures, illustrations and appendixes. Abbreviations should be coherent and easily identifiable. If necessary, a list of abbreviations should be provided at the end of the text. 

3) All short contributions should follow norms 5 to 14, detailed in the Articles Section. For short contributions end notes and bibliographic references should be kept to a minimum.

4) Short contributions will be evaluated by the editorial board of Población & Sociedad.

5) A complementary file has to be attached to the article including the following information: title of paper, author/s data (name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address and ORCID identification code, if pertinent). Once registered, you will be able to track the evaluation procedure online.


Book Reviews Section

1) Book reviews written in English, Spanish or Portuguese should not exceed 2000 (two thousand) words.

2) The heading for Book Reviews should be as follow: full title of the book, author’s/s’ name, publisher, place of publication, year of publication, number of pages. The name and affiliation of the reviewer plus an e-mail address.

3) Book reviews should be brief and analytical and should include a presentation of the principal assumptions and contributions to the pertaining scientific field.

4) They should not contain notes, bibliographical references or bibliography.

5) The Editorial Board will analyze book reviews and suggest any necessary changes, according to the aforementioned norms and format.

6) Book reviews must be mailed to: poblacionysociedad@humanas.unlpam.edu.ar


1) Población & Sociedad considers unpublished articles, written in English, Spanish or Portuguese which are the product of investigations and/or original reflections in the ample field of the Social Sciences. All articles, including those that are part of a dossier will be assessed by two external evaluators of undisclosed identity.  Only in cases of opposed evaluations will a third referee be contacted. The review is carried out on a double-blind basis.

 2) To be considered for publication it is indispensable that articles have neither been published nor sent for evaluation to other scientific journals. Articles based on information already intensively discussed in former publications will not be accepted.  The author must clearly state if the article is based on a former publication (for example a poster or a congress proceeding).  Furthermore, the editorial committee has to be informed if an article is based on an unpublished PhD thesis or if the content has been presented - albeit unpublished - at a previous congress. 

3) Articles should not exceed 12,000 (twelve thousand) words including notes, tables, figures and supplements. Abbreviations should be consistent and easily identifiable. If necessary, a list of all abbreviations with their corresponding meaning should be provided at the end.

 4) Articles should consist of a clear outline of research question(s), design, detailed research background, methods applied and results.

5) End-notes should be kept to a minimum. They will be listed at the end of the text with their corresponding correlative superscript number after the punctuation mark, if there is one.  Word processors’ “end-notes” tool is strongly recommended.

6) All references to unpublished primary sources should follow the same format and should be included in the end notes (archival documents, interviews, etc.).

7) Bibliographic references and published sources should be included in the text- in between   brackets –  following the American Psychological Association (APA sixth edition) style, including author’s/authors’ surname, year of publication and page numbers. For example: Bolsi, 2003, p.45; Berger y Luckmann, 2006, p.125.

 8) Bibliography and published sources should be numbered and alphabetically ordered at the end of the article following the American Psychological Association (APA sixth edition) style. For example:

- Books by one author: Duby, G. (1981). El caballero, la mujer y el cura. Madrid, España: Taurus Editorial.

- Books by two or more authors: Berger, P. y Luckmann, T. (2006). La construcción social de la realidad. Madrid, España: Amorrortu editores.

- Book Chapters: Ginzburg, C. (1983). Señales, raíces de un paradigma indiciario. In A. Gargani (Ed.), Crisis de la razón. Nuevos modelos en la relación entre saber y actividad humana (pp. 55-99). Barcelona, España: Siglo XXI editores.

- Articles in Scientific Journals without DOI: Gallero, C. (2013). Agroindustrias familiares en Misiones. Fábricas de ladrillo y almidón de mandioca de alemanes-brasileños (1919-2009). Población & Sociedad, 20(1), 41-76.

- Articles in Scientific Journals with DOI number: Ramírez, L. (2018). Movilidad residencial intrametropolitana en Buenos Aires (2005-2010). Población & Sociedad, 25(2), 111-143. doi: 10.19137/pys-2018-250205.

- Online Articles : Mota de Cabrera, C. (2006). El rol de la escritura dentro del currículo de la enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés como segunda lengua: Una perspectiva histórica. Acción Pedagógica, 15(1), 56-63. Retrieved from http://www.saber.ula.ve/accionpe/

- Articles in printed newspapers with author: De Benito, E. (5 June-2000). Soria es la primera región del mundo que planifica un desarrollo ecológico y sostenible. El País, p. 15-16.

- Artícles in printed newspapers without author: Soria es la primera región del mundo queplanifica un desarrollo ecológico y sostenible. (5 June-2000). El País, pp. 15-16.

- Articles in online newspapers with author: Bonet, E. (2 February-2011). Miles de personas oran en la plaza Tahrir de El Cairo. El Tiempo. Retrieved from http://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/africa/protestas-enegipto_8817580-4

- Conferences and Symposiums: Manrique, D y Aponte, L (June2011) Evolución en el estudio y conceptualización de la consciencia. In H. Castillo (Presidency), El Psicoanálisis en Latinoamérica. Symposium at XXXIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología, Medellín, Colombia

- Thesis (doctoral or master): Boldrini, P. (2011). Producción participativa del hábitat popular en el área metropolitana de Tucumán. (Doctoral Thesis). Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina.

9) Citations of two lines or less (forty words) should be placed within the text using quotation marks as indicators. Longer citations should be started on a new line, in a free-standing block of text indented from the left margin. No quotations marks are needed in this case.

10) All articles must be accompanied by an abstract (up to 600 characters including spaces), and key words (6 maximum) both in Spanish and English or Spanish and Portuguese, depending on the language used in the article The title should be brief (no more than 125 characters including spaces) and must also be written in both languages.

11) Graphical content: photos, figures (illustrations, maps, drafts, drawings etc.), graphs, tables and diagrams should complement and clarify the text. 10 graphical elements in all can be included and must be attached separately as supplementary files. The text will indicate their position with a number (e.g. Chart 2) followed by the title. Source and author will be provided in the following line. Figures must have a minimum 300 dpi definition.

12)  Población & Sociedad only accepts digital submissions to the Journal website. If you already have a User Name and Password you can log in through  https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/pys/index. Otherwise, you should register through the following link:  https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/pys/login. Submissions must include a supplementary file containing: title of paper and author/authors data (name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address and ORCID identification code, if pertinent). Once registered, you will be able to track your article evaluation process online.

13) In cases of multiple authors, the lead author has to be clearly specified, otherwise, the first named author will be taken as lead author.

14) The author/s of accepted articles has/have to send a note declaring that the journal holds all rights of publication.


1) Población & Sociedad considera Notas a los ensayos breves en español o inglés que no necesariamente cumplan con la condición de ser trabajos basados en fuentes primarias.

2) Las Notas no deberán exceder las cuatro mil (4.000) palabras incluyendo en tales límites notas, cuadros, gráficos y apéndices. Las abreviaturas deberán ser coherentes y fácilmente identificables. En caso necesario se incluirá una lista al final con el significado de cada una de ellas.

3) Las contribuciones para esta sección deberán tener en cuenta las normas 5 a 14 detalladas en la sección Artículos. En este caso, se sugiere utilizar la menor cantidad posible de notas al final del texto y de referencias bibliográficas.

4) Las notas serán evaluadas por el Comité Editorial de Población & Sociedad.

5) En este envío deberá incluir un archivo complementario que contenga el título del trabajo y los datos completos del/de los autor/autores (nombre, pertenencia académica, dirección postal, teléfono y correo electrónico particular y/o laboral). En esa misma hoja debe incluirse un breve CV en español de no más de 7 líneas que incluya el área de trabajo del/de los autor/autores y referencias de trabajos vinculados al tema. Una vez registrado en el portal usted podrá seguir on-line el proceso de evaluación de su nota.


1) Las colaboraciones para la sección Reseñas, escritas en español o inglés, no deberán exceder las dos mil (2.000) palabras.

2) Deberán estar encabezadas por el título completo del libro reseñado seguido del autor/es del libro, editorial, lugar de edición, año de publicación y cantidad de páginas. Al final de la reseña se consignará el nombre del autor de la misma y su pertenencia institucional.

3) Las reseñas no deben ser resúmenes, sino textos analíticos que incluyan las principales hipótesis del libro y sus aportes al conocimiento científico del campo en el que se inscribe.

4) No deben incluir notas, referencias bibliográficas ni bibliografía.

5) El Comité Editorial evaluará y decidirá sobre la aprobación o rechazo de las reseñas y sugerirá los cambios o ajustes que considere pertinentes, de acuerdo con las normas y formato explicitados.

6) Las reseñas deberán enviarse por mail a la siguiente dirección: poblacionysociedad@humanas.unlpam.edu.ar


Privacy Statement

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.