The process of sanction and the contents of the National Education Law N° 26206: continuities and ruptures

  • María Catalina Nosiglia


politics, education, legislation, government, education agents


The aim of this paper is to make a description of the process in which the National Education Law Nº 26206 (NEL) was promulgated and to make a critical comparative analysis of some topics regulated by that law to point out continuities and differences with the Federal Law of Education Mº 24521. The analysis is focused, on the one hand, on the political style of the NEL based on decisions rather than on deliberations and, on the other hand, on aspects regarding the governability of the education system. The topics were chosen giving priority to those connected with the distribution of attributions among the different education agents.


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Author Biography

María Catalina Nosiglia

Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación. Profesora Adjunta Regular de Política Educacional, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Investigadora del Instituto de Investigaciones de Ciencias de la Educación



How to Cite

Nosiglia, M. C. (2012). The process of sanction and the contents of the National Education Law N° 26206: continuities and ruptures. Praxis Educativa, 11(11), 113–138. Retrieved from