Schooling and identification processes in intercultural contexts
indigenous teachers, schooling, identification processes, socioeducational trajectories, diversity.Abstract
The article recovers some reflections on the socio-educational trajectories of a group of indigenous teachers in the province of Chaco, emphasizing schooling and the processes of identification of the subjects. This work is part of a broader investigation focused on systematizing these trajectories considering the processes of articulation / overlap / identity denial of a group of qom teachers in the center of the province. The methodology was based on the ethnographic perspective and we incorporated some contributions of the methodological resource of the auto-biographical account. That is, we conduct in-depth interviews, participant observations, informal talks with multiple educational agents, as well as autobiographical accounts with numerous qom teachers in the region.
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Documentos y leyes consultadas:
-Ley de Educación Nacional N°26206 del año (2006)
-Ley de Educación de la provincia del Chaco Nº 6691 (2010)
-Ley Provincial Nº 7446 de Educación Pública de Gestión Comunitaria Bilingüe Intercultural Indígena (2014)
-Censo del Bicentenario Resultados definitivos, Serie B Nº 2 Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INDEC) Buenos Aires (2010)
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