Proposal for a health promotion pro¬gramme with physical activity for public officials

  • Ximena Díaz
  • Carmen B. Mena
  • Alexis C. Rebolledo


health promotion, physical activity, active breaks


A “Move” programme was proposed in order to increase public officials’ phy-sical activity level and to know their opi-nions about the active break programme. 15 - minute active breaks were carried out twice a week, for 4 months at their workplace. The International Physical Ac­tivity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and another test designed by ourselves were adminis­tered to all participants to assess the ac­tive break programme. Results revealed that there was a significant difference after intervention, increasing physical activity level (t = -1.391, with 95% of reliance level). Participants who initially classified as Low PA level, showed a decrease from 68.9% to 59%; those classified as Mo-derate PA showed a decrease from 18.3% to 16.9%, and those classified as High PA level increased from 17.8% to 24%. In addition, the active break programme was highly valued, obtaining more than a 90% acceptance from public officials.


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Author Biographies

Ximena Díaz

Magíster en Educación, Profesora Departamento de Ciencias de la Edu­cación y Directora de Escuela Peda­gogía en Educación Física de la Uni­versidad del Bío- Bío, Chillán, Chile

Carmen B. Mena

Magíster en Pedagogía Universi­taria y Educación Superior, Profeso­ra Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad del Bío -Bío, Chillán, Chile

Alexis C. Rebolledo

Magíster en Investigación Social y Desarrollo, Profesor Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación, Univer­sidad del Bío- Bío, Chillán, Chile 



How to Cite

Díaz, X., Mena, C. B., & Rebolledo, A. C. (2012). Proposal for a health promotion pro¬gramme with physical activity for public officials. Praxis Educativa, 15(15), 104–109. Retrieved from