Unsatisfied basic needs according to household types. Argentina (2001-2010). Provincial and departmental analysis


household types, unsatisfied basic needs, Argentina


In Argentina, after the 2001 crisis, there was high economic growth, which resulted, among other improvements, in a significant decrease in the proportion of poor households in the 2001-2010 intercensal period - measured by the indicator of unsatisfied basic needs (UBN). The aim of this paper is to analyse the incidence of UBN on different types of households - using the variable "household types", composed of thirteen household types - as well as the changes in the relative share of each household type during the sharp decline in UBN between the 2001 and 2010 census years. To account for spatial inequality in the concentration of households and poverty in the territory, the variables are disaggregated at the provincial level and by districts/departments/communes. The results obtained show the relevance of considering changes in the composition of household types in the analysis of the incidence of poverty.


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Author Biography

Fernando Ariel Manzano, Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales (CONICET/UNCPBA) y Centro de Investigaciones Geográficas (FCH/UNCPBA).

Fernando Ariel Manzano, Doctor en Demografía (UNC), a nivel universitario se graduó como Licenciado en Economía (UBA) y Licenciado en Sociología (UBA). Investigador Adjunto en CONICET. Realiza investigación aplicada en ciencias sociales, con un enfoque interdisciplinario. Siendo sus principales líneas de investigación actuales son: Análisis interdisciplinario del mercado laboral; Análisis crítico y contribuciones de la demografía a las ciencias sociales; Geografía y calidad de vida; y Cambios socio-demo-económicos en la planificación del desarrollo. Su producción científica consta de más 45 artículos científicos en revistas indizadas, 3 libros y más de 10 capítulos en libros.



How to Cite

Manzano, F. A., & Velázquez, G. A. (2023). Unsatisfied basic needs according to household types. Argentina (2001-2010). Provincial and departmental analysis. Huellas, 27(1), 55–74. Retrieved from https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/huellas/article/view/7107


