Social actors facing change in the rural space of the pampas: analyses made by rural businessmen in an atmosphere of tension between different production and social logics in three departments of the province of Buenos Aires

  • Manuela Moreno Centro IESAC Universidad Nacional de Quilmes


rural space of pampas, businessmen, in-between positions


This article deals with businessmen as social actors in the rural space of the pampas, and analyses a specific type: those occupying the in-between positions in the rural structure. Such a differentiation was made taking into account, not just the size of their rural business but also other dimensions related to production profiles, work organization strategies and social aspects like territorial links and the structure of work relations. Our work is based on a case study carried out in three departments of the province of Buenos Aires, and on a sample including different types of actors among which we differentiate those businessmen who share a similar profile constructed in an atmosphere of tension between different logics present in the rural space of the pampas.


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Author Biography

Manuela Moreno, Centro IESAC Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Licenciada en Sociología (UNLP). Docente. Becaria Posgrado CONICET. Maestranda en Estudios Sociales Agrarios (FLACSO). Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales (UNQ). Integrante del programa “Hegemonía: cuestiones teóricas, estrategias metodológicas y estudios empíricos, con énfasis en la disputa por la cuestión agraria en la Argentina Contemporánea” perteneciente al Centro IESAC (UNQ).



How to Cite

Moreno, M. (2017). Social actors facing change in the rural space of the pampas: analyses made by rural businessmen in an atmosphere of tension between different production and social logics in three departments of the province of Buenos Aires. Huellas, 21(2), 29–52. Retrieved from


