How to Teach Literature in High School? Notes toward a methodology in progress

  • Facundo Nieto Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento / Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham


teaching literature, secondary education, teaching methodology, training high school teachers, literature classroom


This article proposes to establish criteria to build a methodology for teaching literature in secondary education. For this purpose, the article analyses the arguments reluctant to propose a methodology to teach literature and also the positions which consider the school as an exclusive place to teach literature systematically, as a place to develop actions related to the promotion of reading or as an autonomous place threatened by occasional intrusions. From a polysystemic perspective about practises of reading in high school, the article proposes a methodology on the basis of a system made up by a classroom of systematic study, an “invention classroom and a transfer classroom”. Relative to the first one, curricular and methodological agreements are examined and a model of teacher training based on writing of instructions for activities is proposed. Relative to the second, a model of reading based on artistic production is designed. Regarding to the third, it suggest considering classroom as a “heteronomous place”.


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Author Biography

Facundo Nieto, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento / Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham

Profesor de Enseñanza Media y Superior en Letras (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Magíster en Enseñanza de la Lengua y la Literatura (Universidad Nacional de Rosario) y Doctor en Educación (Universidad de Valencia). Investigador docente adjunto ordinario en el área de Ciencias del Lenguaje del Instituto del Desarrollo Humano de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, donde dirige proyectos de investigación en la línea de Enseñanza de la Literatura y es responsable de las asignaturas Enseñanza de la Lengua y la Literatura y Residencia II en Lengua y Literatura del Profesorado Universitario de Educación Superior en Lengua y Literatura. Profesor titular ordinario en la Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham, se desempeña como docente de Didáctica de la Literatura del Profesorado Universitario en Letras. Es autor de Segundas Letras. Discursos oficiales sobre la lectura en la escuela secundaria (2003-2013).

