A New Fragment of Philo’s Quaestiones in Exodumin Origen’s Newly Discovered Homilies on the Psalms? A Preliminary Note


Philo of Alexandria, Origen, Psalms, Exodus, Quaestiones in Exodum, Greek Fragments


The aim of this study is to analyze a potential new fragment of Quaestiones in Exodum in the recently discovered Homiliae in Psalmos of Origen. To make this case, I will first weigh the evidence for and against a Philonic provenance for the tradition cited by Origen (whether paraphrase or citation). I will then offer some lexical, thematic, and form-critical considerations, which suggest that Origen is citing a Philonic interpretation from the Quaestiones rather than paraphrasing the Allegorical Commentary.


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Author Biographies

Michael B. Cover, Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA

Associate professor of theology at Marquette University. He specializes in Judaism and Christianity in antiquity, particularly the Pauline letters, Philo of Alexandria, and their reception. His articles appear in New Testament Studies, Harvard Theological Review, the Journal of Biblical Literature, and The Studia Philonica Annual (for which he serves as Book Reviews editor). His first book, Lifting the Veil: 2 Cor 3:7- 18 in Light of Jewish Homiletic and Commentary Traditions (De Gruyter, 2015), examines Paul’s biblical interpretation in the Corinthian Correspondence. Heis presently completing a booklength commentary on Philo of Alexandria’s allegorical treatise, De mutatione nominum, for the Brill Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series (PACS). Additional research interests include representations of conversion in the ancient Judaism and Christianity and the use of classical tragedy and comedy in the New Testament. Cover is a member of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas and recipient of the Paul J. Achtemeier Award for New Testament Scholarship (2016) and an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship (2018-2019, WWU Münster).

Paola Druille, CONICET - Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

Doctora en Estudios Clásicos por la Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS, Argentina). Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de la Pampa (UNLPam, Argentina). Profesora Adjunta a cargo de Lengua y Literatura Griegas de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Investigadora del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet, Argentina). Investigadora del Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios Americanos y Europeos (IDEAE, UNLPam, Argentina). Colaboradora permanente del Proyecto Internacional Philus Hispanicus para la edición de las Obras Completas de Filón de Alejandría en ocho volúmenes. Directora del Proyecto de Investigación PICT “La codificación de la ley en los tratados legislativos de Filón de Alejandría”.

