Is a history written by the winners? About the great slave revolts in the Roman Republic


sources, servile wars, ruling class, subaltern groups


In this text we address the problem of existing sources and their analysis methodologies for the study of the great slave revolts in the Roman Republic. Our aim is to elucidate the different types of available sources we have and their states of conservation; pointing out the difficulties and heuristic possibilities they present; and analyzing them from a historiographic point of view. Although most of them, and the literary ones in their totality, come from the citizen elite, and consequently they express the point of view of the winners, hostile to the servile revolt, and it imply partiality, distortion and concealment in the historical record, we argue that it is not convenient to exaggerate their bias as a limiting factor of the knowledge of the facts. On the one hand, it is possible to extract valuable information about the rebel slaves from the narrative sources; on the other hand, some material sources produced by the rebels are also preserved. All of which allows us to at least glimpse the vision of the vanquished.


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Author Biography

Fernando Martín Piantanida, Conicet / Universidad de Buenos Aires / Universidad Nacional de Luján

Doctor en Historia por la Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC), Francia, y por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina. Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos en la cátedra de Historia Antigua Clásica (Grecia y Roma) y en el seminario Problemáticas del Mundo Mediterráneo (Siglo V a Principios del XV) de la Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu), Argentina. Ayudante de Primera en la cátedra de Historia Antigua II (Clásica) de la UBA. Becario posdoctoral del Conicet. Investigador del Programa de Estudios sobre las Formas de Sociedad y las Configuraciones Estatales de la Antigüedad (PEFSCEA). Su principal línea de investigación gira en torno a las revueltas serviles de la República romana.

