The role of wine in the heroic code: sacredness, politics and ξενία in Iliad and Odyssey

  • Gastón Alejandro Prada Universidad de Buenos Aires


wine, Homeric poems, politics, ξενία, sacredness


In the Homeric poems, wine appears as valuable merchandise and a drink of divine character by which human beings delight. Throughout both Iliadand Odyssey wine is presented by the poet as a central component in religious rites and, above all, is one of the essential elements of the banquet within the framework of the ξενία. The goal of this article is to approach the conceptualization of wine as an element of social and political cohesion in Homeric poems. First, I will investi-gate the poetic value that Homer attributes to wine in its different contexts, and then demonstrate its role as a po-litical device in the fulfillment of social norms governed by the sacredness of rites and the realization of the ξενία as observance of the divine mandates. 


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Author Biography

Gastón Alejandro Prada, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciado y Profesor de enseñanza Media y Superior en Filosofía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires con orientación en Filosofía Antigua (2015). Becario UBACyT. Ayudante de Primera Interino de Lengua y Cultura Griegas I. Adscripto a las cátedras de Historia de la Filosofía Antigua y Lengua y Cultura Griegas I-V. Ha publicado artículos en revistas y libros de producción científica y ha presentado varias ponencias en congresos nacionales e internacionales. Es autor de “La Teogonía de Hesíodo: Vinculaciones entre himnodia, literatura y política” en Torres, Daniel A. (ed.). La himnodia griega antigua. Culto, performance y desarrollo de las convenciones del género. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA, 2015.


Allen, T. (ed.) (1931). Homeri Ilias. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Von der Mühll, P. (ed.) (1962). Homeri Odyssea. Basel: Helbing &Lichtenhahn.

Bibliografía citada

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