Municipal powers regarding the issuance of the national driver's license, in light of the "Ananía" ruling of the Superior Court of Justice of the Province of La Pampa

  • Agustín Lopez Olocco Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Autonomy, federalism, municipality, transit, conflict of powers, driver's license


This work was prepared within the framework of the Affiliation in the "B" chair of Provincial and Municipal Public Law at the National University of Córdoba. During the course of this period, the depths of the study of federalism and the jurisdictional disputes between the different levels of government were penetrated. In this essay, the main discussions that revolve around the traffic law are overturned and, in particular, the municipal powers are analyzed when it comes to issuing the national driver's license. In particular, the investigation focuses on the arguments set forth in the "Ananía" ruling of the Superior Court of Justice of the Province of La Pampa.


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How to Cite

Lopez Olocco, A. (2024). Municipal powers regarding the issuance of the national driver’s license, in light of the "Ananía" ruling of the Superior Court of Justice of the Province of La Pampa. Perspectivas De Las Ciencias Económicas Y Jurídicas, 14(1), 3–18. Retrieved from



Investigación científica