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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista de manera simultánea (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y biliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si se envía a una sección evaluada por pares de la revista, deben seguirse las instrucciones en Asegurar una evaluación anónima.
  • El autor posee o ha creado un perfil de ORCID (https://orcid.org/)

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors


The Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences, through the academic journal PERSPECTIVAS de las Ciencias Económicas y Jurídicas”, provides a space for the publication of productions, with a section for general institutional issues. This is why a differentiation is made in sections, which are: scientific research, scientific-academic dissemination, book reviews, conferences, interviews, and comments related to scientific-academic activities and institutional developments.

In order to clarify the content of each section, a brief description is included:


Scientific research: for articles presenting partial or final results of an investigation. Articles that account of the progress or results of the completion of postgraduate thesis are included in this section. To be published in this section, the positive evaluation of two (2) external evaluators is necessary.



Books reviews, conferences, interviews and comments regarding scientific-academic activities: this section will include book reviews, conference transcripts, interviews, and other types of work that make critical comments about institutional activities, either scientific or academic, which are held in the Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences (UNLPam) or in other institutions, such as an evaluative synthesis of conferences, scientific courses, promotional workshops, etc. In the case of critical comments, it is essential that the article is not merely descriptive but that it includes an assessment by the author. These works must be approved by at least two of the members of the Editorial Committee for its inclusion in the journal.


Institutional information: This section is intended for information that the authorities of the Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences of the National University of La Pampa wish to communicate to the community of readers.


Guidelines for the presentation of articles


1. Original and unpublished works

The articles submitted must be original, unpublished and have not been or be submitted simultaneously for evaluation in another publication. All articles should be written in a clear, coherent and dynamic manner. Orthographic and grammatical conventions of the chosen language must be respected.


2. Guidelines for presentation

The articles submitted for eventual publication in the journal in sections "Scientific Research" shall have, an indicative title, an extension of between 10 (minimum) and 20 pages (maximum). The works Section of "Books reviews, conferences, interviews and comments regarding scientific-academic activities” will have the necessary extension; Therefore, they will not have a minimum but not more than 15 pages, roughly. The extension includes tables, graphics, notes and bibliographical references.
The line spacing will be 1.5 lines, the font, Times New Roman, and the size for the body of the work, 12. The indentation of the opening sentence of each paragraph will be 1.5.

The footnotes will be made in Times New Roman, size 10. The line spacing will be single and there will be no indentation in the opening sentence of paragraphs.
Citation will be made according to the APA standards. In case of extensive textual citations, according to APA standards, the size will be one point less than the rest of the text, size 11.

The pages will be size A4 and with margins 2,5.


We will receive articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese.


3. Constituent parts of articles       

Published papers should contemplate the following aspects:


A) the title, in sustained capital letters. It must be noted that this should be clear, descriptive of the topic discussed in the article and concise;

B) Then, the names of the author(s) should be included. For this purpose, the full name of the author must be included first, and then the last name without uppercase or small capitals.
After the last name, a reference mark will be made with a footnote that will indicate the academic title(s), academic institutional affiliation and e-mail address. If necessary, the institutions which funded or collaborated with the research project that gave rise to the article will be mentioned in the same footnote;

C) then, a summary of the work will be included, which shall not exceed 200 words, with five key words and the abstract and key words in another language. If the article has been written in Spanish, the abstract and key words will be written in English. Nevertheless, if the article has been written in English or Portuguese, the abstract and key words should be written in Spanish;

D) at the end of the paper, the list of bibliographic references must be added, ordered alphabetically. This list will only contain the texts cited directly or indirectly in the body of the article.


4. Citation Style

Within the main body, textual quotes of up to three lines will be written in quotation marks, and then the following data will be indicated in parenthesis "surname of the author, year: pages ". Extended quotes will not be written in quotation marks, but will be placed in a separate paragraph, with font size one point lower than the rest of the body (ie, in size 11), with a left indentation of 0.5 cm. The data of origin will be included at the end (author, year: pages).

If the quote is not textual but indirect or indexed, the surname and the year of publication of the work will be indicated when finalizing the idea, in parenthesis (for example: Gómez, 2005).


5. Bibliographic ordering

The bibliographic order will be made through the presentation of a list that will contain only works indexed directly or indirectly and that will be organized alphabetically.
The order of the data for the citation is the following one:


-Book: Last name and initial of the author's name; then, in parentheses, the year of publication; then a dot and the title of the book in italics with the first letters in capital (dot followed). Place of edition (followed by colon): the name of the publisher. If the book has been translated, the translator's data must be included after the book title. If the edition goes beyond the first, after the name of the translator corresponds the edition number.


-Article in book with editor (or compiler): Last name and author's initial, year of publication in parentheses, title of the work in normal style and in quotation marks; after that:
"en", compiler name/es or publisher/s or coordinator/s, then in parentheses the abbreviated role ("compi.", "ed.", "coord."), the title of the book in italics with the first letters in capital (dot followed). Place of edition (followed by colon): the name of the publisher. If the edition goes beyond the first, it is necessary to include the edition number.


-Article in scientific journals: Author/s (colon). Title of the work in normal style and between quotation marks. Title of the work published in italics, number, volume, publication date in parentheses, colon and finally the number of pages through which the article is extended.


-Text accessed on the Internet: Last name and author's name, year of publication, title of the article (or book), in: (quote page consulted and date of consultation).


- Personal Interviews: Last name and name of the interviewee; place of interview. E.g. Gutiérrez, Pedro. Calzar S.A. Santa Rosa, La Pampa. Personal communication, date.


In case of doubt, APA conventions (American Psychology
Association), 6th edition, will be applied.


6. Tables, graphics and illustrations


If tables, graphics and illustrations are included, each of these elements must be listed correlatively throughout the work, with its corresponding heading and title. Reference should also be made to the foot with font size 11. They must be produced in grayscale.


7. Shipping of items


Papers will be sent in .doc, .docx or .odt format to the email address of the journal: seccienciaytecnica@eco.unlpam.edu.ar (or to the email address indicated by the Research and Postgraduate Secretariat). The Secretariat will acknowledge receipt to the authors and forward it to the Director of the Journal to verify compliance with the formal requirements, once this instance is over, it will be sent to external evaluation via email.


8. Referees


The referees will be selected from the Data Bank Incentive Program of the Ministry of Education, taking into account the theme of its content.

9. Other information


The opinion(s) (as appropriate) of the evaluated papers will be communicated to the authors. They will be responsible for the content of their contributions and the accuracy of citations and bibliographic references. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make the modifications necessary to maintain the style of the journal. Prior to publication of the article, the author or authors must subscribe a document that transfers the rights of reproduction of the article and in which it assures to have fulfilled the ethical exigencies of citation and authorization for the publication of the text.

Investigación científica

Esta sección se destina a artículos que presentan resultados parciales o finales de una investigación. Quedan incluidos en esta sección aquellos artículos que den cuenta de los avances o resultados de la realización de tesis de posgrado..

Divulgación académico-científica

En esta sección serán incluidos los artículos de divulgación científica que den a conocer diferentes cuestiones referidas al diseño de una investigación o bien los que informen acerca de resultados parciales o finales de alguna actividad de extensión. Asimismo, pueden ser incluidos en esta sección los trabajos de contenido académico, fruto del trabajo en el aula de los docentes o que sean de interés para la actividad áulica.

Reseñas de libros, conferencias, entrevistas y comentarios de actividades de carácter científico-académico

En esta sección se incluirán reseñas de libros, transcripción de conferencias, entrevistas y otro tipo de trabajos que efectúen comentarios críticos sobre actividades institucionales de carácter científico o académico.

Información institucional

Esta sección está destinada a la información que las autoridades de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Jurídicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa deseen comunicar a la comunidad de lectores.