Critical discourse analysis of the press about women youth at the beginning of the XXIST Century


young women, press, discourse analysis


This article aims to study the press discourses about Northpatagonic young women at the beginning of the 21st century. It analyses a heterogeneous corpus of news and reports from the Río Negro newspaper seeking the meanings that are constructed and spread about what it is to be a young woman. Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 1992, 2003, among others) and Feminist CDA (Lazar, 2005 and Mills, 2008) are both the theory and the methodology employed to explain the semiotic and discursive mechanisms used by the newspaper to create those meanings.


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Author Biography

Emilse Malke Kejner, IPEHCS - Universidad Nacional del Comahue - Conicet

Doctora en Lingüística y Mg. en Análisis  del discurso por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Esp. en estudios de las mujeres y de género y Prof. Letras por la Universidad Nacional del Comahue donde se desempeña como docente en materias de las carreras de Letras (Neuquén) y de Comunicación Social  (Roca). Sus investigaciones abordan los discursos sobre juventudes de la norpatagonia de los años 70 y 2000. Actualmente, investiga los discursos sobre mujeres jóvenes con una beca posdoctoral de Conicet.




