Interventions in SARS-CoV-2 in the framework of One Health: Measures to control the transmission of the disease after 110 days of pandemic in the Province of Rio Negro

  • Pablo Crowley Coordinación Zonal de Salud Ambiental, II Zona Sanitaria, Av San Martin y 25 de Mayo (8360) Choele Choel, Provincia de Rio Negro. Escuela de Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, Pacheco 460, (8360) Choele Choel, Provincia de Rio Negro.
  • Gabriel Talmon Coordinación Zonal de Salud Ambiental, II Zona Sanitaria, Av San Martin y 25 de Mayo (8360) Choele Choel, Provincia de Rio Negro
  • Guillermo Mujica Supervisión Salud Ambiental, IV Zona Sanitaria, Villegas 460 (8400) San Carlos de Bariloche, Provincia de Rio Negro
  • Jose Luis Labanchi Escuela de Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, Pacheco 460, (8360) Choele Choel, Provincia de Rio Negro. Coordinación Zonal de Salud Ambiental, I Zona Sanitaria Este, (8360) General Roca, Provincia de Rio Negro.
  • Romina Hansen Area de Epidemiologia, Hospital de Area, Perito Moreno 2645 (8430) El Bolsón, Provincia de Rio Negro
  • Daniela Gallardo Area de Epidemiologia, Hospital Ramon Carrillo, Perito Moreno 601 (8400) San Carlos de Bariloche, Provincia de Rio Negro
  • Pedro Marquez Ansola Hospital Zonal de Choele Choel, Av San Martin s/n (8360) Choele Choel, Provincia de Rio Negro
  • Guillermo Crombas Area de Epidemiologia, Hospital Zonal López Lima, Gelonch 721 (8332) General Roca, Provincia de Rio Negro
  • Luis Sepúlveda Salud Ambiental. El Bolson. Río Negro
  • Claudia Grizmado Coordinación Zonal de Salud Ambiental, I Zona Sanitaria Este, (8360) General Roca, Provincia de Rio Negro
  • Alexis Ochoa Coordinación Zonal de Salud Ambiental, II Zona Sanitaria, Av San Martin y 25 de Mayo (8360) Choele Choel, Provincia de Rio Negro
  • Edmundo Juan Larrieu Escuela de Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, Pacheco 460, (8360) Choele Choel, Provincia de Rio Negro



COVID-19, epidemiology, control, pandemic


In December 2019, an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus began, called SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19, which reached pandemic dimensions on March 11, 2020. By March 3, it had already entered República Argentina, while on March 9 the first case occurred in the Province of Rio Negro. In this province, 823 cases were identified with 41 deaths and 602 recovered cases by June 30, giving rise to successive intervention strategies to prevent its arrival in some places without viral circulation, to control outbreaks occurred and, when this objective was achieved, to avoid reintroduction. Among all measures, those related to non-pharmaceutical Interventions or NFI based on Primary Health Care and One Health with integrated participation among health agents of the First Level of Care, veterinary public health and medical areas of the Departments of Activities for the Area and Its Primary Health Care Centers and epidemiology services are a central, highly effective and essential strategy to cut the transmission chain and decreasethe agent’s reproductive capacity (R0) to a value <1. The activities carried out from the appearance of cases were described in the towns of El Bolsón, San Carlos de Bariloche, General Roca and Choele Choel in the Province of Rio Negro during 110 days of the pandemic.


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Author Biographies

Pablo Crowley, Coordinación Zonal de Salud Ambiental, II Zona Sanitaria, Av San Martin y 25 de Mayo (8360) Choele Choel, Provincia de Rio Negro. Escuela de Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, Pacheco 460, (8360) Choele Choel, Provincia de Rio Negro.

Coordinador de Salud Ambiental del Ministerio de Salud de Rio Negro

Gabriel Talmon, Coordinación Zonal de Salud Ambiental, II Zona Sanitaria, Av San Martin y 25 de Mayo (8360) Choele Choel, Provincia de Rio Negro

Supervisor de Salud Ambiental, Area Programa El Bolson. Rio Negro.

Daniela Gallardo, Area de Epidemiologia, Hospital Ramon Carrillo, Perito Moreno 601 (8400) San Carlos de Bariloche, Provincia de Rio Negro

Medica epidemióloga del Hospital de SC de Bariloche. Rio Negro.

Edmundo Juan Larrieu, Escuela de Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, Pacheco 460, (8360) Choele Choel, Provincia de Rio Negro

Profesor de Epidemiologia. Ex Secretario de Salud de la Provincia de Rio Negro


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How to Cite

Crowley, P., Talmon, G., Mujica, G., Labanchi, J. L., Hansen, R., Gallardo, D., … Larrieu, E. J. (2020). Interventions in SARS-CoV-2 in the framework of One Health: Measures to control the transmission of the disease after 110 days of pandemic in the Province of Rio Negro. Ciencia Veterinaria, 22(2), 119–134.



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