Control of the warranty level of ether extract, gross protein and phosphorous expressed in the label of dog and cat commercial food
ether extract, phosphorous, gross protein, balanced foodAbstract
The warranty level of ether extract, gross protein and phosphorus
of five dogs and three cats’ commercial food labels were
analysed. Ether extract, gross protein and phosphorous were determined
by direct intermittent extract means of soxhlet, Kjeldahl
and colourimetric by reduction of sulphur-molybdate respectively.
Each determination was repeated three times and the mean
value obtained was expressed as a percentage of dry matter, thereafter,
the obtained values were compared with those informed
by the manufacturer. The ether extract values determined of five
dogs and two cat food was lower than those expressed in the label.
The phosphorous value was lower in two dog food, and the
level of gross protein was lower in four dogs and one cat food in
relation to the label data. Just one dog food showed values of ether
extract higher than those expressed in the label. The content of
moisture was determined by the indirect gravimetric method,
desiccating the sample at 65 °C for 48 hours, and observing values
of 46.6%, lower than those informed by the label. It concluded
that all dog food had incoherency in at least one of the parameter
studied with respect to the information presented in the manufacturer
label. In relation to the cat food just one fulfils the values
informed in the manufacturer label. Finally, it was stunned the
low level of moisture found in all pet food analysed.
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